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Philippine landcare after nine years: a study on the impacts of agroforestry on communities, farming households, and the local environment in Mindanao

december, 2005

This paper reviews the impact of the Landcare Program on, farming households, communities, and the local environments in three sites in Mindanao, Philippines: Claveria in Misamis Oriental; Lantapan in Bukidnon; and Ned, Lake Sebu in South Cotabato. This paper reviews and synthesizes various studies conducted throughout the period from 1996 to 2004, during which the Landcare Program was established and matured. The key intervention studied is the landcare approach which consists basically of two components: conservation farming technologies and landcare processes and institutions.

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

National Policies
december, 2005

Tonga’s biological diversity and natural resources are protected, conserved and enriched and are appreciated and enjoyed by her present and future generations and the rest of the world. The Guiding Principles are: Tonga has full sovereign rights over her biological diversity and natural resources. 2) The Government of Tonga takes the leading role to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable management of its biodiversity, through effective governance and leadership and in full consultation with all stakeholders.The following 8 Theme Areas are defined: 1) Forest Ecosystems.

Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji.

National Policies
december, 2005

The Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The general principle of this Policy is to determine responsibilities of the State, landowners and land users in the fields of sustainable rural development, land management, protection of natural resources, having regard to biophysical, cultural, social and commercial factors.Technical, institutional and legal framework will be strengthened and assessment will be carried out on agricultural land, pastures and forests to ensure efficient land use.

National Land Use Policy.

National Policies
december, 2005

It is against inappropriate decisions in the allocation of land use activities that are manifested, among others, in form of: land degradation, mainly soil erosion, loss of vegetation cover; loss of biological diversity, wetlands degradation, pollution, uncontrolled urban development, conflicts over land use, and reduced land productivity that government committed resources for the preparation of this National Land Use Policy.The policy aims to support the national objectives on poverty eradication and economic growth while at the same time ensuring sustainable utilisation of natural resour

Plan d'Action National pour l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2006.

National Policies
december, 2005

Face à l’avancée de la mer, l’érosion côtière, la perte des plages ; la désertification, la réduction des mangroves et autre zones de frayères, la perte des terres arables et autres pâturages ; la salinisation des eaux, la réduction ou l’insuffisance de la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’irrigation et la boisson et autres activités productrices, le Sénégal a élaboré son Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation (PANA) dont l’objectif est de proposer des options ou solutions d’adaptation face aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques dans les secteurs économique clés (les ressources en eau, l

Nouvelle lettre de politique de développement agricole 2006-2015.

National Policies
december, 2005

La Nouvelle lettre de politique de développement agricole (NLPDA) vise à améliorer l’efficacité et l’efficience des exploitations familiales et des marchés, promouvoir l’entreprenariat agricole grâce à la stimulation de l’initiative privée et améliorer l’efficacité des exportations. Elle va s’appuyer sur les dynamiques d’investissement privé, de production et de recherche de productivité dans l’agriculture.

Insight: Notes from the Field, Issue I

Reports & Research
december, 2005
South-Eastern Asia

Insight: Notes from the Field is a response to this need, and with this publication, we aim to give practitioners a forum to share field level cases and lessons in Community Forestry (CF) or Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM).  In this edition of Notes from the Field, there are inspirational stories on Community Forestry in Thailand, development of Village Forest Councils in India, experiences on Public Hearing and Public Auditing in community user groups in Nepal, and how to improve buffer zone co-management in protected areas of Vietnam.

Community Forestry Forum: Regulatory Frameworks for Community Forestry in Asia

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2005
South-Eastern Asia

The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific hosted the First Regional Community Forestry Forum for the Asia Region in Bangkok, Thailand, August 24 -26, 2005, providing a platform for senior level government delegates to discuss forestry policy frameworks and experiences from the region. Representatives from the governments of seven countries formed the principle group of participants, along with forestry and policy experts from a number of agencies working in the field of forestry in Asia.