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The value of tropical forest to local communities: complications, caveats, and cautions

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

The methods used to value tropical forests have the potential to influence how policy makers and others perceive forest landsforestlands. A small number of valuation studies achieve real impact. These are generally succinct accounts supporting a specific perception. However, such reports risk being used to justify inappropriate actions. The end users of such results are rarely those who produced them and misunderstanding of key details is a concern. One defence is to ensure that the ultimate users appreciate shortcomings and common pitfalls.

Trading forest carbon to promote the adoption of reduced impact logging

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol raised the hopes of many, that payment for carbon sequestration services would provide a significant incentive for sustainable management practices in industrial forestry in tropical countries. Data to assess how realistic these hopes are, remain scant and high degree of uncertainty about CDM rules make assessment hazardous. The analysis in this paper focuses on the potential for using carbon trading to stimulate adoption of reduced impact logging (RIL)-based sustainable forest management.

Where the power lies: multiple stakeholder politics over natural resources: a participatory methods guide

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

This manual is a participatory methods guide (1) to assist those involved with multiple stakeholder situations or groups to appreciate and acknowledge the relevance and impact of micro-politics on stakeholder relations and resultant cooperative behaviour in these groups; (2) to provide a simple and systematic approach or framework to gather and analyse data on micro-politics among multiple stakeholders; (3) to highlight and offer practical suggestions for dealing with some of the methodological issues that influence gathering data on politics and relations among stakeholders; (4) to suggest

Wild trees bear fruit

december, 2002

In Mwanza district, Malawi, thirteen villages have, for the last five years, been involved in a project to make fruit juice from indigenous species - Baobab and Tamarind. As a result people in the area are now planting more indigenous trees, rather than cutting them for charcoal and firewood.

Bomen over ruimte: een studie naar de toekomstige ruimtebehoefte voor de boomteelt in de regio Boskoop

Reports & Research
december, 2002

In het kader van de streekplanherziening Zuid-Holland Oost is een schatting gemaakt van de toekomstige ruimtebehoefte voor de boomteelt in de regio Boskoop tot 2015. Op basis van toekomstige ontwikkelingen in de vraag naar boomteeltproducten, de (inter)nationale concurrentiepositie van de boomteelt in de regio Boskoop en de bedrijfsstructuur is de extra ruimtebehoefte geschat op 2% per jaar. Het totale areaal boomteelt in 2015 komt hiermee op 1.435 ha (+ 335 ha), waarvan de helft pot- en containerteelt en de helft in de vollegrond. Ook zal tot 2015 de teelt onder glas gestaag toenemen.

Forestland: its dynamics, disorganised uses and planning in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
december, 2002

This study was aimed at analysing land cover and land use dynamics, and at identifying and evaluating the driving forces behind deforestation, by relating population dynamics, village distribution patterns and socio-economic indicators with spatial aspects of land cover changes. It also aimed at knowing the conditions of the local people, their opinions and aspirations regarding conservation. A land re-allocation model for agricultural land and protection forest, as an approach to solving the problem was established

Community forestry in Nederland

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2002

Uitleg over de oorsprong en betekenis van het gegrip 'community forestry', en een inventarisatie van de verschillende vormen van community forestry die in Nederland voorkomen en de motieven voor deelname aan community forestry activiteiten. Vooral twee categorieën van bosbeheer worden beschouwd als typische representanten van community forestry: gezamenlijk bosbeheer waarbij zowel de besluitvorming als de controle op het beheer in handen zijn van lokale organisaties en vrijwilligersgroepen, en gezamenlijk bosbeheer van gemeenschappelijk bosbezit (restanten van vroegere markebossen)

2002 Año Internacional de las Montañas

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2002

Las declaraciones del Director General de la FAO y del Rey de Nepal, los resmenes de cuestiones y actividades relativas a las montaas en pases como Bolivia, Italia, Kirguistn y Per, e informacin sobre bosques de montaa, bosques de niebla tropicales y montaas sagradas completan el recorrido de Unasylva por las montaas.

Community-based Forest Resource Conflict Management: Vol.2

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2002

This training package examines conflict within forest resource use and community-based forest management and offers strategies for managing it. It aims to support diverse and multiple forest user groups to manage conflicts that inevitably arise in the protection, use and control of forest resources. It has been prepared primarily for trainers who help people and organizations that work collaboratively in community forestry.