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Quem é mais importante? A avaliação do bem-estar humano no manejo florestal sustentável

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

Who counts most? Assessing human well being in sustainable forest management presents a tool, 'the Who Counts Matrix', for differentiating 'forest actors', or people whose well-being and forest management are intimately intertwined, from other stakeholders. The authors argue for focusing formal attention on forest actors in efforts to develop sustainable forest management.

Regional strategy for implementing the code of practice for forest harvesting in Asia-Pacific

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

This document provides suggestions for an overall strategic framework to achieve implementation of the Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific. Once implemented the Code will optimise the benefits offered by the region's natural production forests and contribute to their sustainable management for the continuing benefit of the community as a whole. The goals and objectives of this Regional Strategy are expressed as eight strategies for implementation. (1) Encourage appropriate public and political support for implementation of the Code.

Siapa yang perlu dipertimbangkan? menilai kesejahteraan manusia dalam pengelolaan hutan lestari

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

Who counts most? Assessing human well being in sustainable forest management presents a tool, 'the Who Counts Matrix', for differentiating 'forest actors', or people whose well-being and forest management are intimately intertwined, from other stakeholders. The authors argue for focusing formal attention on forest actors in efforts to develop sustainable forest management.

The underlying causes of forest decline

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

Loggers, miners and rural communities all exploit forests in unsustainable ways in search of profits and means of subsistence. They are the primary actors in forest decline and their immediate motivations are the direct causes of deforestation and degradation. However, these motivations are determined, through complex causation chains, by deeper and much more fundamental forces: the underlying causes of deforestation. Effective action against forest decline requires an understanding of these underlying causes and their distant impacts on forests.

Towards sustainable management and development of tropical secondary forests in Asia: the Samarinda proposal for action

Reports & Research
december, 2000

Secondary forests comprise a large and growing proportion of the forest cover in the tropics and are very important at the local, national and regional levels for a wide range of products and environmental services. However, knowledge and expertise regarding secondary forests is still limited, and they are inadequately addressed in forest policy, planning and research.

Understanding patterns of resource use and consumption: a prelude to co-management

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

For co-management of conservation areas to be effective, detailed information on local people's use of natural resources is essential. One method to obtain some of that information, a household record keeping study, is given. It is simple to implement and analyse, and provides useful, quantitative data on resource use and income levels. The method and present data derived from three studies of Melayu and Iban communities in and around the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, are described.

Comparison of methods used within Member States for estimating CO2 emissions and sinks according to UNFCCC and EU Monitoring Mechanism: forest and other wooded land

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

The national reporting for the EU Monitoring Mechanism on greenhouse gas emissions and for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change includes data for greenhouse gas emissions/removals from land-use change and forestry. By comparing the reports of EU15 Member States, we identified a lack of transparency, consistency and completeness concerning chapter 5 on land-use change and forestry. For chapter 5A (Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks) we discuss the differing ways of estimation in detail.

Research activities related to the role of forests and forestry in climate change mitigation in Austria. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000
Western Europe

Forests and forestry play important roles in Austria with its close to 50/ forest cover. This paper provides details about the Austrian forest carbon inventory, discusses briefly the sources and sinks accounted under the land use, land use change and forestry articles of the Kyoto Protocol, and presents an integrated carbon model (Austrian C-Balance Model) that was developed to include not only the forest sector, but other sectors that are greenhouse-gas relevant.

Community forestry - participatie in beheer

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2000

Verslag van de conferentie 'Community Forestry - a change for the better' (7-9 december 1999, Londen). De nadruk lag op de sociale aspecten van community forestry: gezondheid, verbondenheid met het bos, samenwerking, rol van de overheid. Verder aandacht voor community forestry projecten in Engeland (Epping Forest bij Londen) en Nederland (gebruikers-participatie bij het Haaksbergerveen in Overijssel)