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Le Teck

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000
Costa Rica

Ce numro d'Unasylva s'interroge sur l'avenir du teck, en s'attardant notamment sur la gestion des plantations.

Les plantations d’eucalyptus à Madagascar : Superficie, rôle et importance des massifs

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

The report presents some of the general aspects of Madagascar before discussing the three main chapters of the report on eucalyptus plantations. The first part is dedicated to the objectives and the methods used to obtain information for this report. The second part is a synopsis of the results while the third part is more specific and concentrates on exploitation dynamics of eucalyptus in the country. A brief conclusion is given.

Rapport d'étude sur les données du bois-energie au Burundi

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

A short fourteen-page report that comments on the overall situation of data on fuelwood in Burundi. A short comparison is made between the data collected in the country versus the data obtained by FAO. Finally, the third part analyses some of the current and future trends by detailing some of the production and consumption figures.

Forêts, sécurité alimentaire et moyens de subsistance durables

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

Comme le suggrent les articles de ce numro, les forts contribuent la scurit alimentaire et aux moyens de subsistance durables par bien des aspects, non seulement directement mais aussi indirectement, en renforant les systmes agricoles, en favorisant le dveloppement rural, mais aussi en prservant l'intgrit de l'environnement et en fournissant des possibilits de revenu et d'emploi.

Rapport d'étude des produits forestiers dans la République du Congo

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

This country report covers the overall situation of wood products in the Republic of Congo. Among the topics discussed are those of current statistics available in the country related to exploitation of forest resources, their economic value, their consumption and export. The report also mentions the different institutions involved in collecting information in the country as well as the weaknesses and strengths of the system.