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Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juli, 2009
Eastern Asia

The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) for Timor-Leste identifies environmental priorities through a systematic review of environmental issues in natural resources management and environmental health in the context of the country's economic development and environmental institutions. Lack of data has been the main limitation in presenting a more rigorous analysis. Nevertheless, the report builds on the best available secondary data, presents new data on the country's wealth composition, and derives new results on the costs of water and air pollution.

Environmental Policy Strategy 2009-2015

National Policies
juli, 2009

The Environmental Policy Strategy is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Latvia for the period 2009-2015. Its main objective is to provide the public with the opportunity to live in a clean and well-arranged environment through sustainable development, preservation of environmental quality and biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, as well as participation of the public in the decision-making and its awareness of the environmental situation.

Law on agricultural land.

juli, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Law establishes: definitions, basic principles and management, protection, use, development, data collection, supervision, as well as other important issues related to agricultural land on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Agricultural land is a natural resource of common interest, that enjoys special protection, used for agricultural production and may not be used for other purposes, except in cases and under conditions here established.The major objectives of this Law are the: adoption of sustainable principles, production capacity and management improvement,

Water and adaptation to climate change

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

Developing countries, as a group, are the ones most threatened by the hydrological impacts of global climate change. Water is a critical resource in development, and it is affected by climate change in multiple, complex ways ? through changes in temperature and rising sea levels, changes in precipitation patterns, and melting snowfields and glaciers.

Impact of melting glaciers in the Himalaya

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

The Himalayan region is not only tectonically active and ecologically fragile but is it also one of the most economically underdeveloped and most densely populated mountain ecosystems on the planet. These natural as well as human characteristics render the Himalayan region highly vulnerable to the impacts of development, degradation and climate change and in particular the impact of melting of glaciers and changes in the patterns of precipitation.

Do we need to worry about water in the Amazon?

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009
South America

The economy of the Amazon region relies heavily on water for transport and livelihoods. Important also for the regional water cycle, the Amazon ecosystems are threatened by climate change, although there is little knowledge about the likelihood of adverse events and potentially related vulnerabilities. Therefore research and building up capacities for collective action are cornerstones of adaptation to climate change. Since 2008, strategic policy approaches have emerged. The region has only started to prepare itself for the things to come.

Impact of climate change on the Nile river basin

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

The River Nile provides an invaluable source of livelihoods to over 160 million of people who dwell in its valley. The river valley is renowned for being a cradle of civilisation. As the populations grew and civilisation evolved, the demand for more water resources took a toll in the region. The more recent visible climate change effects have further compounded water management in the basin. Water and food security in the region is under threat, hence the need for robust transboundary water management. An effective institutional arrangement is a key factor in facilitating this process.

Integrated Watershed Management

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

Water and soils are increasingly becoming a limiting resource for meeting the food requirements
of a growing world population. Integrated concepts for managing natural resources in a sustainable
and environmentally sound manner show encouraging impacts, if applied on a large scale and
over a long period like in Tigray, the northernmost regional state of Ethiopia.

Water harvesting for home food security

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009
South Africa

Poverty in rural households have deepened in the past two years through world events: unprecedented rises in food and fuel prices were followed by global economic meltdown, all amidst growing climate uncertainty. Balancing water availability within and across growing seasons, water harvesting helps to buffer households against drought. Research on water harvesting in South Africa has focused on rural household livelihoods. Innovative results on appropriate water harvesting technologies and food security facilitation techniques are now being implemented in villages across South Africa.

How do small farmers respond to climate change in Rajasthan?

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

Water is scarce in India's semiarid zones of Rajasthan. Climate change is putting additional pressure on the rare resources. Irregular or no rainfall forces many small farmers to abandon their fields, at least temporarily, and seek work in the towns. Participative water management projects as practiced in Bhipur village, growing crops with low water requirements and more sustainable farming practices are adaptation strategies that allow farmers to continue their activities despite climate risks.