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Decoding REDD: Addressing and Assessing the Second 'D'

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

Available scientific literature indicates forest degradation emissions are of a similar magnitude to those from deforestation. The potential for further emissions from degradation is an especially pressing concern in the Asia-Pacific region, where many forest areas are intertwined with highly populated areas and intensive timber harvesting. Including forest degradation in a reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) mechanism will be crucial to ensure that both the Asia-Pacific and global forest sectors realize their full potential to mitigate climate change.

Regulation on types and contents of plans for the protection against harmful effects of water.

april, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Regulation determines the types, necessary contents and manner of drafting, the procedure for harmonization, adoption, updating and keeping, all regarding the protection plans against harmful effects of waters on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Activities and measures, aimed at reducing or preventing the endangerment of human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activities from harmful effects of waters, are actions for the protection from floods and ice on watercourses, protection against erosion and torrents, and measures of protection and eli

A Lei de Terras, de Minas e Sistemas de Direitos Consuetudinários

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2009

O presente trabalho é assente no cruzamento e análise dos conteúdos da legislação de terras1 , de minas e do reconhecimento pelo Estado das Autoridades Locais, em Moçambique. Será ainda baseado na análise da literatura e estudos realizados relacionados com estas áreas. Ao longo da presente abordagem far‐se‐á uma análise do regime jurídico relativo à descentralização administrativa, desenvolvimento  comunitário e participação das comunidades locais.


Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2009

This paper presents the results of a study on property rights in land and biodiversity resources in the Acholi Sub-region. The objective of the study was to map out the changes that have taken place in the sub-region since the dawn of colonialism and how these changes have impacted on the contemporary property rights structure in land and biodiversity resources in the sub-region.

Modelling the mitigation mix: faecal microbes, economic constraints and sustainable land management

Reports & Research
maart, 2009
French Southern and Antarctic Lands

Conventional livestock farming provides consumers with cheap and reliable sources of milk and meat. Yet the inevitable by-product, i.e. livestock faecal matter, represents a potential source of pathogenic microorganisms. This paper applies the Faecal Indicator Organisms Costing Assessment Tool (FIOCAT), which was designed as part of the RELU project ‘sustainable and holistic food chains for recycling livestock waste to land’, to examine the costs associated with mitigation methods that may inhibit pathogenic transfers to water.

Changes in the fragmentation and ecological stability of the Morava River floodplain forest in the course of the 20th century

Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2009
Czech Republic

This paper presents the results of an analysis of the changes in the fragmentation and ecological stability of the floodplain forest geobiocoenoses in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelske Pomoravi, Czech Republic. Using GIS methods, it was determined that the fragmentation within the study area had increased slightly and the ecological stability of the landscape had decreased slightly between the years 1938 and 2006, although the latter remained on a fairly high level.

Decree No. 25/2009/ND-CP on integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection of the sea and islands.

maart, 2009

This Decree provides for the integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection in coastal areas, sea areas and islands of Viet Nam.The Decree aims at: ensuring unified, interdisciplinary and interregional management in the exploitation and use of natural resources; combining socio-economic development with environmental protection, ensuring safety at sea; preventing, stopping and mitigating pollution and remedying degradation of the environment of the sea and islands; protecting and developing ecosystems of the sea and islands for sustainable development; observing mar

China - From Poor Areas to Poor People : China’s Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda - An Assessment of Poverty and Inequality in China

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2009
Eastern Asia

China's progress in poverty reduction over the last 25 years is enviable. One cannot fail to be impressed by what this vast nation of 1.3 billion people has achieved in so little time. In terms of a wide range of indicators, the progress has been remarkable. Poverty in terms of income and consumption has been dramatically reduced. Progress has also been substantial in terms of human development indicators. Most of the millennium development goals have either already been achieved or the country is well on the way to achieving them.

Agricultural Land Degradation and Salinization in Shamsabad Region, Qom Province, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2009

Salinization and alkalization are considered spatiotemporal dynamic soil degradation processes. In order to investigate the effects of agricultural activities on land degradation and soil salinity, Shamsabad area in Qom province was selected. Aerial photos (1955) and satellite images (1990-2002) were used to examine the changes in land use. Soil samples were collected from 25 locations in the study area from 0-50 cm and 51-100 cm depth at each location. For comparative purposes, sampling locations in this study were similar to locations used for salinity study in 1983.

Safeguarding Important Areas of Natural Habitat in Mongolia alongside Economic Development

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2009
Eastern Asia

As market reforms to the Mongolian economy continue and the country enjoys rapid economic growth, the environment has entered a period of unprecedented pressure. Mining, infrastructure development and tourism development, in particular, are undergoing rapid expansion, and all pose risks to Mongolia's globally important biodiversity.

Arrêté du 30 janvier 2009 portant création du Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT).

januari, 2009

Le présent arrêté crée un Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) présidé par le Premier Ministre ou son délégué.Le Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) est chargé de définir la politique du gouvernement en matière d’Aménagement du Territoire, de Protection et de Gestion des bassins-versants de Gestion de l 'Eau, de l’Assainissement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Equipement.Le comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire a pour principales attributions de : coordonner et d'harmoniser les actions du Mouvement en matière d'aménagement du territoire, de

Complementary Law No. 143 establishing the Planning and Territorial Planning System of the State of Roraima.

januari, 2009

This Complementary Law, consisting of 42 articles divided into seven Chapters, establishes the Planning and Territorial Planning System of the State of Roraima. The above mentioned System, called SPOT/RR, is the main guiding instrument for planning of land occupation and control of the use of natural resources of the territory of the State of Roraima, in the implementation of plans, programmes, projects, works and public and private activities. The purpose of the SPOT/RR is to implement the provisions of art.