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Mediating Forest Transitions: Grand Design or Muddling Through

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008

Present biodiversity conservation programmes in the remaining extensive forest blocks of the humid trop-ics are failing to achieve outcomes that will be viable in the medium to long term. Too much emphasis is given to what we term grand design-ambitious and idealistic plans for conservation. Such plans im-plicitly oppose or restrict development and often attempt to block it by speculatively establishing paper parks. Insufficient recognition is given to the inevitable long term pressures for conversion to other land uses and to the weakness of local constituencies for conservation.

Perception de la Dégradation des Terres et Adoption des Technologies de Conservation des Eaux et des Sols au Nord du Burkina Faso : le cas du Zaï et des Cordons Pierreux

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2008
Burkina Faso

This study is based on data collected from 141 family-type farms in the Yatenga province in Burkina Faso. A probit approach is used to analyze the effect of perception of land degradation and other factors on the adoption of zaï and stone rows. The results of the estimation show that the availability of organic matter from small ruminants is determinant for the adoption of both zaï and stone rows. Although most of farmers are aware of the causes and consequences of land degradation, this factor does not significantly impact on farmers’ decision to invest in SWC measures.

Climate Change and Land Tenure

Reports & Research
november, 2008

This document analyzes the implications for land tenure and land policy of climate change. It assesses the implications of ongoing anthropogenic climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions for land tenure and the role that land policy can play in climate change adaptation planning in the developing world; it also sets out a simple framework for tracing the linkages between climate change, impacts on land use systems, and the land tenure implications, including those which result from adaptation and mitigation responses to global warming.

Percepción de la erosión agraria

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008

Esta investigación analiza mediante la metodología Delphi varios indicadores de calidad del suelo del olivar español, en particular, la textura, la fertilidad, el color, la profundidad, la compactación, la aireación, la materia orgánica y la infiltración del agua. El objetivo consiste en describir la percepción de los olivicultores acerca del grado de erosión en la zona de estudio, teniendo en cuenta su propia autovaloración referida a su nivel de adopción de innovaciones y a su actitud frente al riesgo de aplicar nuevas tecnologías.

Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) for sustainable land management in Jordan.

National Policies
oktober, 2008

The Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) is a national wide document, developed by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, supported by the Global Mechanism (GM) of the UNCCD, to implement Jordan’s commitments towards UNCCD. The IFS aims at providing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to financing and project implementation that would combat desertification and promote SLM, and in doing so to provide a more stable climate for investment and financing in this area for Jordan.

Poverty Assessment for Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
oktober, 2008
Southern Asia

Bangladesh has made good progress in reducing poverty over the past decade despite the series of external shocks which have routinely affected the country. Poverty fell from 49 percent in 2000 to 40 percent in 2005, propelled by respectable economic growth and relatively stable inequality. These statistics are reflected in tangible improvements in poor people's lives, such as a sharp reduction in those living under flimsy straw roofs in rural areas.

Regulations of the Heilongjiang Province on Desert Prevention and Transformation.

oktober, 2008

These Regulations provide for the prevention of land desertification, the transformation of desertified land and the protection of the safety of the environment in Heilongjiang province.The Law consists of 6 Chapters divided into 45 articles: General provisions (I); Planning on desert prevention and transformation (II); Prevention of land desertification (III); Transformation of desertified land (IV); Legal responsibilities (V); Supplementary provisions (VI).The provincial administrative department in charge of forestry shall draw up the planning of desert prevention and transformation of t

Decreto Nº 1391 - Modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de Pesca y Desarrollo Pesquero.

oktober, 2008

El presente Decreto, considerando que existen personas naturales y jurídicas que habiendo obtenido la concesión para ocupar zonas de playas han ocupado sin autorización áreas de mayor extensión a las concedidas y que además existen personas que nunca obtuvieron la concesión para ocupar zonas de playa y bahía, y que estas áreas son explotadas desde el año 1990, modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de pesca y desarrollo pesquero, disponiendo que los concesionarios de zonas de playa y bahía que hubieren ocupado un área mayor a la concedida y que las personas naturales o jurídicas que ocupar

Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Possible Responses in Asian Agriculture

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2008

Our unsustainable way of life is causing a crisis in our environment at a global scale. Climate change is threatening the future of our planet. The crisis is largely our own doing, and we also have the means to solve it, if we are willing to act on it. Farmers, fishers, and indigenous peoples, who live close to nature for their survival, are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. But they also have a special role to play in addressing climate change. What they need for survival - sustainable and ecological friendly practices - are also what are needed to heal our planet.

The State of Food and Agriculture

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2008

More than at any time in the past three decades, the world’s attention is focused this year on food and agriculture. A variety of factors have combined to raise food prices to the highest levels since the 1970 (in real terms), with serious implications for food security among poor populations around the world.

Ordonnance relative à la taxe pour l’assainissement des sites contaminés (OTAS).

september, 2008

La présente ordonnance est relative à la taxe pour l’assainissement des sites contaminés. En particulier, l’ordonnance régit: a) la perception d’une taxe sur le stockage définitif de déchets en Suisse et sur l’exportation de déchets destinés au stockage définitif à l’étranger; b) l’affectation du produit de la taxe au paiement d’indemnités pour: 1) l’investigation, la surveillance et l’assainissement de sites pollués, 2) l’investigation de sites qui se révèlent non pollués.

Lettre de Politique Foncière.

National Policies
september, 2008

Cette Lettre indique les orientations du gouvernement burundais pour organiser certains aspects de l’accès à la terre et à ses ressources naturelles, en particulier l’appropriation de la terre et la sécurisation des droits y afférant. Elle précise et complète d’autres notes stratégiques et textes relatifs à la gestion des terres, notamment dans les domaines de l’aménagement du territoire, de l’urbanisme ou de l’environnement.