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Revue des données du Bois-Energie au Mali

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

This medium-size report identifies the overall situation of data related to fuelwood in Mali. The first part is a very brief introduction to the situation in the country. The second part is a summary of the agro-ecological situation in Mali followed by a third part that identifies the principal production and consumption figures of wood energy. The fourth part is a comparison between the data made available by FAO and that collected in the field while the last part analyses the past, present and future trends of fuelwood use at the national and private level.

Forêts, sécurité alimentaire et moyens de subsistance durables

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2000

Comme le suggrent les articles de ce numro, les forts contribuent la scurit alimentaire et aux moyens de subsistance durables par bien des aspects, non seulement directement mais aussi indirectement, en renforant les systmes agricoles, en favorisant le dveloppement rural, mais aussi en prservant l'intgrit de l'environnement et en fournissant des possibilits de revenu et d'emploi.

How Blaming ‘Slash and Burn’ Farmers is Deforesting Mainland Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
november, 2000

Summary: "For decades, international lenders, agencies, and foundations
as well as national and local governments have spent millions of dollars trying
to “modernize” the traditional practices of farmers in many mountainous
areas of Southeast Asia—an agenda driven by the belief that their age-old
shifting cultivation practices (known pejoratively as “slash and burn”) are
deforesting Asia. But a new look at how forests fare under shifting cultivation
(as opposed to under permanent agriculture) clearly demonstrates that efforts

Myanmar coastal rain forests (IM0132)

Reports & Research
november, 2000

Biome: Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests...
Size: 25,700 square miles...
Conservation Status: Vulnerable.....

"The Myanmar Coastal Rain Forests [IM0132] are a diverse set of climatic niches and habitats that include flora and fauna from the Indian, Indochina, and Sundaic regions. Though low in endemism, this ecoregion has a tremendous species diversity. However, the forests have been increasingly destroyed to make way for agriculture, and poaching has become the dominant threat to the remaining wildlife populations.