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Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, Teslin Tlingit Council on behalf of the First Nation, and the Government of the Yukon is made under section 35 of the Constitution of Canada and sets out the rights of the Teslin Tlingit First Nation and its people and in particular ways in which the federal, territorial and First Nation governments interact.

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the Government of the Yukon is made under article 35 of the Constitution of Canada and sets out the rights of the First Nation Vuntut Gwitchin and its people and in particular ways in which the federal, territorial and First Nation governments interact.

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and the Government of the Yukon is made under section 35 of the Constitution Act and sets out the rights of the First Nations Champagne and Aishihik and its people and in particular ways in which the federal, territorial and First Nation governments interact.

Programme Triennal de Relance Agricole 2013-2016.

National Policies

C’est dans le cadre de faire face aux dommages que le secteur agricole a subi suite au seisme du 12 janvier 2010 qui a frappé le pays, que le Haiti a lancé le Programme Triennal de Relance Agricole qui couvre la période 2013-2016. Il s’agit d’un programme sectorielle d’une portée nationale qui vise à établir le secteur comme le premier pilier de la croissance et de la réduction de la pauvreté dans le pays.

Decreto Nº 2.794 - Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Paraguay 2030.

South America

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Paraguay 2030 es un documento estratégico multisectorial y de alcance nacional que tiene por objeto coordinar acciones en las instancias sectoriales del Poder Ejecutivo, así como con los diversos niveles de gobierno, sociedad civil, sector privado y, eventualmente, los poderes Legislativo y Judicial, con el fin de construir para el 2030 un país competitivo, ubicado entre los más eficientes productores de alimentos a nivel mundial, con industrias pujantes e innovadoras, que empleen fuerza laboral capacitada, proveedor de productos y servicios con tecnología, ha

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo.

National Policies
South America

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo es un instrumento multisectorial, de alcance nacional, que define las estrategias y líneas de acción a implementar para construir una nueva sociedad, en el marco de un Estado plurinacional y comunitario.

Politique Nationale de Développement Durable de l’élevage au Burkina Faso 2010-2025.

National Policies
Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Confronté à des difficultés d’ordre technique, institutionnel, politique et juridique, socio-économique et environnemental dans le secteur de l’élevage, le Burkina Faso a élaboré la Politique Nationale de Développement durable de l’Elevage(PNDEL) pour la période 2010-2025, à travers une approche participative et inclusive.

Cameroun Vision 2035

National Policies
Middle Africa

Le Document Cameroun Vision 2035, élaboré en 2009, est composé de trois phases, notamment Phase I: 2010-2019, Phase II: 2010-2007, Phase III: 2028-2035, chaque phase ayant des objectifs spécifiques. Cameroun Vision 2035 a pour objectifs de: (i) réduire la pauvreté à un niveau socialement acceptable; (ii) atteindre le stade de pays à revenus intermédiaires, (iii) devenir un Nouveau Pays Industrialisé et (iv) consolider le processus démocratique et renforcer l’unité nationale.

Guidelines on management and provision of credits from the State for programmes and projects for use of bare land, degraded hills, forests, alluvial flats and water bodies.

South-Eastern Asia

The Ministry of Finance now issues guidelines for provision of credits from the State for programmes and projects for use of bare land, degraded hills, forests, alluvial flats, and water bodies within the framework of Decision 327-CT and according to duly approved annual plans: Funds from the State budget are to be provided in the form of credits for basic construction and for non-commercial economic purposes for programmes and projects for the use of bare land, degraded hills, forests, riverine and coastal alluvial flats, and water bodies.

Convention on the protection of the Alps (Alpine Convention) and Annexes, Salzburg 7 November 1991.

International Conventions or Treaties
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Southern Europe
Northern Europe

The Convention shall cover the Alpine region, as described in the Annex. The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures among others on population and culture, regional planning, prevention of air pollution, soil conservation and water management. The Contracting Parties shall pursue a comprehensive policy for the preservation and protection of the Alps by applying the principles of prevention, and cooperation, through the prudent and sustained use of resources.