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Yale First Nation Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Agreement - made under section 35 of the Constitutino of Canada - constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, in Canada of Yale First Nation. For the purpose of the present Agreement “section 35 Rights of Yale First Nation” means the rights, anywhere in Canada, of Yale First Nation, that are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

Nisga’a Final Agreement.

Northern America

The present Agreement - made under section 35 of the Constitution of Canada - consists of 22 chapters that exhaustively define Nisga’a rights and responsibilities in relation to land, natural resources, governance, the administration of justice, the environment, taxation and numerous other matters, such as lands, land titles, forest resources, fisheries, wildife and migratory birds, environmental assessment and protection, administration of Justice, transition of the Indian Act.

Enonce de la Politique Forestière de l’Union Des Comores

National Policies
Eastern Africa

L’Enoncé de la Politique Forestière de l'Union des Comores est un document stratégique qui a pour but global la conservation et la gestion durable du patrimoine forestier afin d’en assurer la pérennité et de garantir une production soutenue de biens et de services pour le bénéfice de la population, tout en contribuant à la lutte contre la pauvreté, la protection de l’environnement et le respect des engagements de l’Etat envers les conventions internationales.La politique présente les principaux objectifs suivants: (i) l’amélioration des connaissances sur le patrimoine forestier et sa délimi

Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program is a cross-sectoral national program of Ethiopia covering the period of 2002-2005. Its main objective is to reduce poverty and at the same time maintain macroeconomic stability.With regard to food security, the strategy’s overall objective is to ensure food security at the household level, while the rural development policies and strategies would focus on ensuring national food self-sufficiency.

The Agenda for Prosperity - Road to Middle Income Status - Third Generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2013 – 2018).

National Policies
Sierra Leone
Western Africa

The Third Generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper is a cross-sectoral national strategic document of Sierra Leone in force during 2013-2018. Its main objective is to achieve a robust and consistent level of high economic growth and to maintain significant progress on governance indicators together with sustained improvements in human development indicators for its citizens.The Paper provides for various measures in order to increase the production of staple food crops for food security. These measures mainly concentrate on agricultural development and are summarized below.

Plan del Sector Desarrollo Agropecuario: Revolución Rural y Agraria 2010-2020.

National Policies
South America

El Plan del Sector Desarrollo Agropecuario - Revolución Rural y Agraria 2010-2020 ha sido formulado por el Gobierno de Bolivia en el 2010 y contiene ejes estratégicos sectoriales para el desarrollo del sector que serán implementados a través de programas priorizados a partir del año 2010 hasta el 2020 en las áreas de apoyo a la producción agropecuaria, el tratamiento de la temática tierra, recursos forestales y el desarrollo de la coca y su industrialización.

Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural (ENDAR).

National Policies
South America

La Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural es una política nacional sectorial para el desarrollo agropecuario y rural en Bolivia. El objetivo principal de la Estrategia es contribuir a incrementar el ingreso y empleo de los productores agropecuarios y rurales, dotándoles de conocimientos y medios para insertarse de manera sostenida y competitiva en los mercados, en un marco de inclusión, equidad social, cultural y de género. Las acciones propuestas apuntan a lograr un conjunto de metas hasta el 2007 y el 2015.

Land Rights Policy.

National Policies
Western Africa

The Land Rights Policy is a national sectoral policy that provides the Land Commission’s policy recommendations for land rights in Liberia, centred on four basic types of rights: public land, Government land, customary land, and private land. In addition, a Protected Area is defined as a land which may fall under the Government Land, customary land, or private land categories, but which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. The Policy will form the basis of a new land rights law, and will require substantial changes to the existing legal framework.

Plan Operativo Sectorial Agropecuario 2014.

National Policies
Dominican Republic

El Plan Operativo Sectorial Agropecuario 2014 (POA) es un instrumento de desarrollo de corto plazo y de carácter operativo, que sirve de marco de referencia para orientar y sistematizar de forma racional los recursos presupuestarios del Ministerio de Agricultura, con la finalidad de contribuir al bienestar económico y social de la población dominicana, y en especial, de los productores agropecuarios.

National Forest Strategy 2025.

National Policies
Northern Europe

The National Forest Strategy's vision is that sustainable forest management is a source of growing welfare. With this vision as its starting point, the Government Report on Forest Policy sets the following strategic objectives: 1) Finland is a competitive operating environment for forest-based business; 2) Forest-based business and activities and their structures are renewed and diversified; 3) Forests are in active, economically, ecologically and socially sustainable and diverse use.

Guyana National Forest Plan.

National Policies
South America

The overall objective of the present National Forest Policy is the conservation, protection, management and utilisation of the nation’s forest resources, while ensuring that the productive capacity of the forests for both goods and services is maintained or enhanced.