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Planning and Environment Regulations 2005.


These Regulations implement the Planning and Environment Act 1987 by, among others, prescribing the manner and form of giving notice as required under the Act, related forms and information; defining the manner for keeping the register prescribed by the Act and for securing access to information.

Implements: Planning and Environment Act 1987 (No. 47). (2016-06-28)
Repealed by: Planning and Environment Regulations, 2015. (2015-03-16)
Repeals: Planning and Environment Regulations 1998. (2004-08-01)

Order No. 418 on electronic planning registration PlansystemDK.

Northern Europe

This Order sets regulations concerning the electronic registration of planning via PlansystemDK, which is a national digital system and register containing proposals of adopted plannings that are provided in accordance with the Planning Act and plans covered by the Act's article 54b, section 6. In PlansystemDK plannings are made available and can be accessed at www.plansystemdk.dk. All information must be submitted to this portal no later than 30 June 2014.

Implements: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)

Order No. 36 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology validating the Regulation on state nature reserve “Nurgush”.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes that protection area shall be established with a view of protection of unique nature complexes and ecosystems of the protected area against unfavourable anthropogenic impact, conservation of old-age forests and biological diversity. Forest plots within the boundaries of protection area shall not be expropriated from landowners, land tenants, and servitude holders.

Décret n° 2013-1308 du 26 février 2013, fixant les conditions et les modalités de gestion des margines provenant des huileries en vue de leur utilisation dans le domaine agricole.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et les modalités de gestion des margines provenant des huileries en vue de leur utilisation dans le domaine agricole.Les quantités et la composition des margines utilisées dans les opérations d'épandage ou de compostage ne doivent pas avoir directement ou indirectement, lors de leur transport ou épandage, un impact sur la santé de l'homme et de l'environnement, sur la qualité et l'état phytosanitaire des cultures et sur les propriétés du sol et des milieux naturels et aquatiques.L'épandage est interdit dans les zones qui sont à une distance inférieure à

Resolución Nº 085/14/MINAM - Guía para el Muestreo de Suelos y Guía para la elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación de Suelos.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba las Guía para el Muestreo de Suelos y la Guía para la elaboración de Planes de Descontaminación de Suelos, que son de aplicación y cumplimiento obligatorio para los procesos de descontaminación de sitios contaminados, en trámite o por iniciarse, independientemente de su ámbito de ejecución.

Implementa: Decreto Supremo Nº 002-2013-MINAM ─ Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para Suelo. (2013-03-24)

Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 (S.R. No. 74 of 2014).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend regulation 2 of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 so as to give effect to Article 30 of Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances. Article 30 concerns classification of heavy fuel oils. Establishments where heavy fuel oils are present in a specified quantity become subject to the principal and, in certain cases, to additional requirements as set out in regulation 3(1) of those Regulations

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2014 (S.S.I. No. 142 of 2014).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends various provisions and Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 in relation with changes the classes of development which are permitted and in relation with specified construction works. Development is not permitted in a conservation area, national scenic area, a historic garden or designed landscape, a National Park or a World Heritage Site.

Amends: Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (S.I. 223 (S. 17) of 1992). (1992-02-11)

Private Managed Forest Land Council Matters Regulation (B.C. Reg. 372/2004).

Northern America

The present Regulation is made under the Private Managed Forest Land Act. The Regulation provides for the establishment of water quality objectives , Council review of requests with respect to administration and exit fees, remediation orders and offences. The text consists of 5 sections.

Implements: Private Managed Forest Land Act ([SBC 2003] Chapter 80). (2014-10-15)

Decreto Nº 75 - Reglamenta los porcentajes de suelo destinado a Programas de Vivienda de Interés Social para predios sujetos a los tratamientos urbanísticos de desarrollo y renovación urbana.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta el cumplimiento de los porcentajes de suelo útil para el desarrollo de Proyectos y Programas de Vivienda de Interés Social o de Interés Social Prioritaria, para predios sujetos a los tratamientos urbanísticos de desarrollo y renovación urbana.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 879 - Reglamenta las disposiciones referentes al ordenamiento del territorio municipal y distrital y a los planes de ordenamiento territorial. (1998-05-13)

Vegetation Management Regulation 2012.


This Regulation, consisting of five Parts, implements the Vegetation Management Act 1999. It provides for the classification of regional ecosystems, which are listed in the annexed schedules, and it gives effect to the statutory codes, policies and maps that underpin the vegetation management framework.The Regulation is completed by eigth schedules: endangered regional ecosystems, of concern regional ecosystems, least concern regional ecosystems, grassland regional ecosystems, trees prescribed for the Act, fees and dictionary.

Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.R. No. 182 of 2015).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the planning provisions in the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (NI) 1995 to ensure they will operate fully and effectively when district councils assume their new “competent authority” planning role under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

Amends: Conservation (Nature Habitats, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (S.R. No. 380 of 1995). (1995-10-05)