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Water Association Act.

Western Europe

An Act to set new environmental policy standards by giving water and soil associations new rural management duties. Moreover, associations can promote cooperation between water management and agriculture while further developing the protection of water, soil and nature. Finally, the associations can be assigned tasks within the framework of set-aside land. The Act grants the associations a far-reaching right to self-administration as, for instance, the power to issue by-laws; furthermore, association may be established also by a decision of its members and not only ex-officio.

Northern Territory (Commonwealth Lands) Act 1980.


This Act concerns acquisition of lands in the Northern Territory by the Commonwealth. Any land in which an interest was, before 1 July 1978, vested in the Director of National Parks and Wildlife by the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 shall be deemed to be, and to have always been, excluded from lands described in a Lands Acquisition Notice made in accordance with this Act.

Regional Law No. 208-OZ “On guarantees of rights of indigenous peoples”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes basic rights of indigenous peoples as regards local self-government, customary and traditional rights in the sphere of hunting and nature management, and conservation of traditional living environment thereof. Traditional living environment of indigenous populations shall be considered traditionally inhabited areas by indigenous populations and areas of traditional nature management thereof.

Regional Law No. 250-OZ “On areas of traditional management of indigenous peoples of the North”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of organization of the territories of traditional management of indigenous small-number populations of the North, legal status of nature management and is directed at the solution of economic, social, ecological and demographic problems for ensuring conservation of the traditional way of life of indigenous peoples. Areas of traditional management of indigenous peoples shall be classified as protected areas.

Law No. 2965 on the sustainable development of Attica and other provisions.

Southern Europe

The institutional frame that conditions today the institution and operation of professional laboratories and manufactures in the basin of Attica, it is radically reformed with Law 2965/2001. This Law comes forth to abrogate the Presidential Order No. 84 of 1984 which for more than fifteen years constituted the basic legislative frame for the development of craft-based activity in the region of Attica. With this Law the classification of industrial activities is divided in low, medium and high harmful-effect categories (in compliance with art. 3 and 4 of Law No. 1650/86).

Decreto Legislativo Nº 1.132 - Modifica la Ley del Régimen especial de la tierra en propiedad de las asociaciones cooperativas, comunales y comunitarias campesinas, y beneficiarios de la reforma agraria.

El Salvador
Central America

El presente Decreto introduce reformas a la Ley del Régimen especial de la tierra en propiedad de las asociaciones cooperativas, comunales y comunitarias campesinas, disponiendo que los inmuebles que contengan bosques o tierras de vocación forestal, técnicamente calificados como tales, se transfieren al Estado como áreas naturales protegidas.

Enmienda: Decreto Legislativo Nº 719 - Ley del régimen especial de la tierra en propiedad de las asociaciones cooperativas, comunales y comunitarias campesinas y beneficiarios de la reforma agraria. (1996-05-31)

Ley Nº 7.801 – Ley provincial del medio ambiente.

South America

La presente Ley establece los criterios y normas básicas destinados a conservar y mejorar el patrimonio ambiental, proteger la dinámica ecológica, la salud humana, propiciar el uso sustentable de los recursos naturales, recuperar o regenerar los ambientes desertificados y contaminados, asegurando a las generaciones presentes y futuras la conservación de la calidad ambiental y la diversidad biológica, conforme lo establece el artículo 66 de la Constitución Provincial.

Ordonnance n° 2004-489 du 3 juin 2004 portant transposition de la directive 2001/42/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 juin 2001 relative à l'évaluation des incidences de certains plans et programmes sur l'environnement.

Western Europe

La présente ordonnance porte transposition de la directive 2001/42/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 juin 2001 relative à l'évaluation des incidences de certains plans et programmes sur l'environnement, et modifie des dispositions des codes de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme relatives à l'évaluation de certains plans et documents ayant une incidence notable sur l'environnement.

Met en oeuvre: Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. (2001-06-27)

Loi concernant l’aménagement communal et le développement urbain.

Western Europe

La présente loi porte la réglementation relative à l’aménagement communal et au développement urbain. Ceux-ci ont pour objectifs d'assurer à la population de la commune des conditions de vie optimales par une mise en valeur harmonieuse et un développement durable de toutes les parties du territoire communal.

Regional Act No. 18 repealing certain provisions concerning the primary sector.

Southern Europe

The Regional Acts and Regulations mentioned in the Annex attached to this Act are repealed.

Repeals: Regional Act No. 24 laying down provisions on organic farming. (1990-04-06)
Repeals: Regional Regulation No. 2 on organic farming in the Veneto Region. (1991-08-16)
Repeals: Regional Act No. 30 on the reclamation of abandoned lands, uncultivated lands and lands insufficiently cultivated. (1980-04-11)

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (2004, Chapter 5).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The provisions of this Act introduce powers which allow for the reform and speeding up of the plans system and an increase in the predictability of planning decisions, the speeding up of the handling of major infrastructure projects and the need for simplified planning zones to be identified in the strategic plan for a region or in relation to Wales. The Act also provides for a number of reforms to make the handling of planning applications by both central government and local authorities quicker and more efficient.