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Gender, Tenure Security and Landscape Governance. Synthesis of Studies from PIM’s Governance of Natural Resources Flagship Program, 2013-2020

december, 2021
United States of America

A substantial body of research on these important issues comes from a research theme of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) that focused on the governance of natural resources (Flagship 5, or PIM5). Research in Flagship 5 examined the policy and institutional foundations for improved natural resource management. It analyzed how tenure security affects sustain¬able management and how individuals, groups, and communities govern the land, water, fish stocks, and forests.

Statistical analysis of the weather impact on robusta coffee yield in Vietnam

december, 2021

Weather and climate strongly impact coffee; however, few studies have measured this impact on robusta coffee yield. This is because the yield record is not long enough, and/or the data are only available at a local farm level. A data-driven approach is developed here to 1) identify how sensitive Vietnamese robusta coffee is to weather on district and provincial levels, 2) during which key moments weather is most influential for yield, and 3) how long before harvest, yield could potentially be forecasted.

Adoption determinants of exotic rice cultivars in Bangladesh

december, 2021

Agrarian Bangladesh relies heavily on rice. Since independence, many varieties have been released and targeted to increase productivity, farmers' income, and food security. However, few gained widespread adoption. Moreover, farmers in the border regions are adopting exotic cultivars, and it's gradually spreading throughout the country. But, the reasons for adopting exotic rice cultivars are still unexplored.

Attempting to Address the Issues of Social Equity via Implementation of Index Insurance

december, 2021

The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), developed discussion briefs that would further enhance the knowledge of ClimBeR’s stakeholders on resilience, inclusiveness and women empowerment in climate change adaptation in the Philippines. This brief discusses social equity in the context of index insurance.

Complex agricultural landscapes host more biodiversity than simple ones: A global meta-analysis

december, 2021

Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity conservation requires profound structural changes worldwide. Often, discussions are centered on management at the field level. However, a wide and growing body of evidence calls for zooming out and targeting agricultural policies, research, and interventions at the landscape level to halt and reverse the decline in biodiversity, increase biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, and improve the resilience and adaptability of these ecosystems.

Quantification of economically feasible mitigation potential from agriculture, forestry and other land uses in Mexico

december, 2021

Countries often lack methods for rapidly, but robustly determining greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation actions and their impacts comprehensively in the land use sector to support commitments to the Paris Agreement. We present rapid assessment methods based on easily available spatial data and adoption costs for mitigation related to crops, livestock and forestry to identify priority locations and actions.

Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá, Colombia

december, 2021

In the Colombian context, disputes over natural resources, mainly over land, and poor governance are intertwined with armed conflict. Although efforts to address this situation, including the 2016 peace agreement signed between Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, by Spanish acronym) are underway, these disputes continue, affecting land use dynamics. Understanding the complexity and trends in land use conflicts, as well as the specific regional characteristics underlying differing land use changes across regions, is critical.

Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) for Ethiopia’s Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) Program

december, 2021

A two-day consultative workshop was implemented from March 14-15, 2022, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) of the Columbia Climate School.

Impact of landscape management scenarios on ecosystem service values in Central Ethiopia

december, 2021

This study aimed at modeling scenarios of future land use and land cover (LULC) change and estimating ecosystem service (ES) values for the year 2051 compared to 2021 in Central Ethiopia. The future LULC changes for the year 2051 were simulated for four scenarios, namely Business-as-Usual (BAU), Rapid Agricultural Expansion (RAE), Ecosystems Protection and Agricultural Development (EPAD) and Landscape Ecosystems Restoration and Conservation (LERC).

The CADDP 10 per cent target - Still pursued by African leaders?

december, 2021

The 2003 Maputo Declaration aimed at boosting African agriculture requires governments to make difficult decisions on budget priorities. Furthermore, tracking the progress of the initiative presents problems. Our author looks at these and other challenges the Maputo Declaration is facing. And against the background of a continuing decline in government expenditure on agriculture on the continent, he argues that new evidence on expenditure outcomes is required to get governments to reverse the trend.