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Action Research Report: Incremental Community Based Adaptation in the Highlands of Myanmar, Chin State

december, 2020

The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) undertook participatory action research in Myanmar to establish climate-smart villages (CSVs) in four unique agro-ecologies. This research was funded by CGIAR-CCAFS and the International Development Research Center in Canada (IDRC). Sakta Village is one of these four CSVs operated by IIRR and its local partner, Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS). It is located at Hakha Township in the north-east of Chin State situated 1,800 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level.

Gender in rural institutions and governance: A review of existing tools

december, 2020

The role of gender in institutions and governance affecting rural areas is complex and multifaceted; the tools and methods to analyze and explore their interactions must address this complexity. Researchers, practitioners and policymakers from various disciplinary backgrounds have used a wide range of tools. This paper provides them with guidance on the tools that are available, and points to gaps where methodological development is needed.

Examining the barriers to gender integration in agriculture, climate change, food security, and nutrition policies: Guatemalan and Honduran perspectives

december, 2020

Gender mainstreaming is seen, at international level, as critical to achieving national development goals and addressing key global challenges such as climate change and food and nutrition insecurity in the agriculture sector. Our study examined the barriers leading to poor gender mainstreaming and potential solutions in policies applying to gender, agriculture, climate change, food security and nutrition, in both Guatemala and Honduras. We used a case study approach to analyze the barriers to gender integration in these governments’ policies.

Piloting innovations for improved data collection and management to support livestock monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions in Ethiopia

december, 2020

To complement an ongoing CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) project ‘Enhancing capacities for MRV of sustainable livestock action in East Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia),’ which is implemented by UNIQUE forestry and land use and CCAFS, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) supported CCAFS to implement a Small Research Activity (SRA) entitled ‘Building capacities for an integrated livestock MRV system in Ethiopia’.

Bananas of Samoa: A catalogue of banana diversity seen on the island of Upolu

december, 2020

This is a catalogue of the banana diversity seen on the island of Upolu (Samoa) during the banana expedition that took place from July, 22nd 2019 to August, 2nd 2019. It was organized by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Samoa (MAF) and the Pacific Community. The expedition was funded by the Crop Trust with support of the CGIAR CRP on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.

CCAFS impact assessment of national policy engagement in Kenya and livelihood impact of uptake of climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices - 2021

december, 2020

The study assessed the impact of CCAFS engagement at policy and household level in Kenya. Specifically, the study assessed the extent to which CCAFS engagement contributed to the observed changes in terms of shaping policy and CSA coordination among others. At the household level the study assessed the factors influencing uptake of CSA practices among smallholder farmers and the subsequent impact of the CSA practices on household dietary diversity, value of household livestock holding and household assets and per capita monthly expenditure as well as GHG emission.

A rapid tree diversity assessment method for cocoa agroforestry systems

december, 2020

Biodiversity is recognized as an essential part of sustainable development efforts, however reducing biodiversity loss is a key global challenge that requires updated data on biodiversity status at different scales. Cocoa agro-forests include tree species besides cocoa, a practice beneficial to biodiversity, ecosystem conservation and farming households. We present a stepwise procedure to test and select a method that rapidly assesses biodi-versity in cocoa agroforests based primarily on species richness and counts of non-cocoa trees.

User-centred design of a digital advisory service: enhancing public agricultural extension for sustainable intensification in Tanzania

december, 2020

Sustainable intensification (SI) is promoted as a rural development paradigm for sub-Saharan Africa. Achieving SI requires smallholder farmers to have access to information that is context-specific, increases their decision-making capacities, and adapts to changing environments. Current extension services often struggle to address these needs. New mobile phone-based services can help. In order to enhance the public extension service in Tanzania, we created a digital service that addresses smallholder farmers’ different information needs for implementing SI.

Bananas of Cook Islands: A catalog of banana diversity seen on the islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki

december, 2020

This is a catalog of banana diversity seen on the islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki (Cook Islands) during the banana expedition organized from May, 20th to May, 21st 2019 by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Cook Islands with support of the Pacific Community (SPC). The expedition was funded by the Crop Trust with contribution of CRP RTB.

Developing Public-Private Partnerships for effective access and use of climate information services by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali

december, 2020

This report describes a methodological approach for the co-development of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for effective access and use of climate information service by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali. The implementation started with the characterisation of the strengths and weaknesses of potential public-private partners institutions including the National Agency of the Great Green Wall (ANGMVM), the National Meterological Agency (MALI-METEO), the Mobile phone company (Orange Mali) and the Institute of Rural Economy (IER).