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On-farm assessment of cassava root yield response to tillage, plant density, weed control and fertilizer application in southwestern Nigeria

december, 2020

Cassava is growing in importance in Nigeria as a food and industrial crop. Current yields are low due to poor soil fertility and because farmers do not use improved germplasm, clean planting material, or improved crop management in Nigeria. To provide feasible agronomic recommendations targeting increased root yield, the effects of tillage intensity, fertilizer application, plant density and weed control were tested in 230 farmers’ fields in southwestern Nigeria over two years.

Effective approaches and instruments for research and innovation for sustainable agri-food systems

december, 2020
Sri Lanka

The traditional linear technology transfer model has limited effectiveness in promoting the uptake of
technologies and innovations. It fails to account for complexity within the agri-food system, is too
simplistic and does not fully consider forward and backward feedback loops in the food system or pay
adequate attention to context. There is, therefore, an increasing interest in investors and decision makers making use of alternative instruments (such as innovation platforms or accelerators) to

The role of institutional networks and their links with vulnerable spaces. The example of Honduras for the agriculture sector: State-of-art

december, 2020

This analysis covers the Major challenges for climate change adaptation for the agriculture sector of Honduras, Including the understanding of the plausible future scenarios and threats and the role of institutional networks and their links with vulnerable spaces.

Business skills training guide for potato farmer organizations and cooperatives: A guide for business skills and enterprise development

december, 2020

This training guide was developed by the potato component of the Accelerated Value Chain Development
(AVCD) program with contributions from Edward Mwakio, a business skills consultant, and from county
agribusiness development officers in the six project intervention counties. Preparation of this guide is based on
the experience and the feedback from different trainers and participants.

Proposed Plan for Scaling of Climate-Smart Maps and Adaptation Plans (CS-MAP) for rice farming systems in Vietnam

december, 2020

This proposal on how to integrate the development and implementation of CS-MAP into the government’s policy framework was drafted by Former Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Dr. Bui Ba Bong. In the policy document, CS-MAP can be integrated into national and sectoral policies and plans, such as in the National Plan to adapt to climate change, Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector, and in the national and regional agricultural restructuring plan for the period 2021-2025.

What is the relationship between agricultural credit, cattle, and deforestation? A spatial analysis in Colombia

december, 2020

In developing countries, agricultural credit plays a vital role in supporting agricultural production and productivity increases. Together with other political and economic elements, credit can be a useful tool to promote innovation, improve resource allocation, and, properly targeted, help diminish inequality gaps, thereby generating a cycle of economic prosperity.

Policies, multi-stakeholder approaches and home-grown school feeding programs for improving quality, equity and sustainability of school meals in Northern Tanzania

december, 2020

Malnutrition among children of school-going age is a challenge of serious concern in developing countries especially Sub-Saharan Africa. Many programs focus on mothers and under-5-year-old children, leaving the school going age unattended. It has been shown that school meals can reduce school absenteeism, improve concentration in class and reduce early dropouts. In Tanzania, successful home-grown school feeding programs are localized in few areas but have not been scaled-out.

Synthesis report of two workshops conducted on Engaging Ethiopian Universities in Up-scaling Community-Based Breeding Programs

december, 2020

Two consecutive workshops were conducted on 20th and 27th of July 2021 at Bahir Dar and Debrezeit, respectively. The workshops were aimed at engaging Ethiopian Universities in up-scaling of community based breeding programs (CBBP) through incorporation of CBBP in animal breeding curriculum and being involved in the implementation of CBBP in the vicinity of the Universities.