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CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems - Plan of Work and Budget 2021

december, 2020

Led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), WLE is a collaboration between CGIAR Research Centers, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the RUAF Foundation, and several national, regional and international partners. Through these partners, we provide evidence and solutions on natural resource management to influence key decision makers, including governments, international development organizations and financiers.

Kenya Cimate-Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

december, 2020

This monitoring and evaluation framework (M&EF) for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) has been developed to foster the effective transformation of the agricultural sector toward resilient, low-carbon development, and to check whether the implementation of the Kenya Climate Smart Implementation Framework (KCSAIF) objectives, outcomes, and outputs are proceeding as planned, in order to support optimal planning and efficiency in the utilization of resources.

Women's Land Rights in The Gambia: Socio-legal review

december, 2020

This socio-legal analysis provides an overview of existing land governance arrangements in The Gambia as they relate to women’s access to land and resources. It discusses two different types of land tenure interventions: title deeds and certification. These inventions vary according to different types of recognized rights-holders and the area in which rights are being formalized. Access to and control over land and other productive resources in The Gambia is shaped by complex tenure systems.

Intensity and embeddedness: Two dimensions of equity approaches in multi-stakeholder forums

december, 2020

This occasional paper presents a new approach to examining how multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs) on land use and land-use change address equity. Based on a review of cases in the scholarly literature, we engage with MSFs from two key characteristics: the degree to which an MSF includes local peoples as part of a forest-landscape solution (its intensity), and the degree to which an MSF and/or its goals or objectives are embedded or entangled in wider societal or governmental programs and processes (its embeddedness).

Land-use Decisions in Complex Commons: Engaging Multiple Stakeholders through Foresight and Scenario Building in Indonesia

december, 2020

In the midst of global change uncertainties, Indonesian spatial planning authorities are developing 20-year strategies. However, the lack of collaborative engagement of stakeholders and unclear methodology around using futures studies in addressing land management undermine such plans and affect environmental governance. A crucial question is how to link a future-oriented process with governance transformation processes, particularly related to land-use planning and management.

Incentives for landscape restoration: Lessons from Shinyanga, Tanzania

december, 2020

Owing to high rates of land and forest degradation, there is consensus that forest landscape restoration is a global priority with the Bonn Challenge and the New York Declaration on Forests committing to restore about 350 Million hectares by 2030, globally. However, there is a need for incentives that motivate these restoration efforts and disincentives aimed at restricting activities that result in further land degradation.

Kenya County Climate Risk Profile: Kiambu County

december, 2020

County Climate Risk Profiles are a key tool to guide climate smart agriculture (CSA) investments and priorities at the county level in Kenya. These documents provide analyses of the underlying causes of vulnerability and on-going and potential climate change adaptation strategies. They also provide a snapshot of the enabling environment for building resilience by providing a synthesis of the policy, institutional and governance context.

Models for integrating climate objectives in forest policy: Towards adaptation-first?

december, 2020

Recognizing the potential interactions and synergies between adaptation and mitigation in land-use policies in general and forest policies in particular, research on climate change policy has increasingly focused on integrating both objectives simultaneously (hereafter “interaction model”). However, while support exists for the integration of adaptation and mitigation, very few policies have successfully integrated both objectives in practice (hereafter “separation model”).

Case Study: Investment in sustainable seeds for sustainable agricultural intensification

december, 2020
Sri Lanka

This study estimates that Sustainable Seeds Systems for the Global South received approximately USD 15 billion in funding cumulatively between 2010-2019 across all sources of funders. This is roughly one-third the total funding for seeds innovation in the same time period. Though the trend should get confirmed with further data, the analysis made in this study reveals a slight decline in the trend for investments in sustainable seeds innovation over the last 2-3 years for which data was available.