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The Impact of the Process of Academic Education on Differences in Landscape Perception between the Students of Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020
United States of America

As technical and technological progress takes place, there is dissonance between teaching good engineering and technological techniques and respect for the landscape. Engineering students are educated to act as initiators and performers of activities that change space. The purpose of this study is to answer question regarding how the engineering students recognize problems related to shaping the landscape.

Drought Impacts, Coping Responses and Adaptation in the UK Outdoor Livestock Sector: Insights to Increase Drought Resilience

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020

Drought has detrimental impacts on crop and livestock farming systems worldwide, but less attention has been given to outdoor livestock systems, particularly in humid temperate regions. This research evaluated how an intense drought in 2018 impacted the UK livestock sector and the responses adopted by key actors, though a combination of analysis of weekly agricultural trade publications and semi-structured interviews with livestock farmers.

50 Years of Environmental Activism in Girona, Catalonia: From Case Advocacy to Regional Planning

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020
United States of America

Environmental activism, with decades of relevant presence already, is a fundamental element for the preservation of natural and cultural values. Theories around their bases, protagonists, methods, instruments and results proliferate in a period of obliged ecological transition. Here, we present an investigation in the region of Girona (Catalunya, Spain), with the main objective of reflecting on environmental activism and its singular impact on the territorial reality of this area.

Rural Land Use Change Driven by Informal Industrialization: Evidence from Fengzhuang Village in China

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020

This study investigates the spatial expansion process, the de facto land use change, and their endogenous driving forces in the village of Fengzhuang since the 1990s. Fengzhuang is a specialized village in Hebei, North China, in which above 80% of rural residents are engaged in the manufacturing of mahogany furniture. Land use data were extracted from a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) survey conducted in 2014–2015. The results suggest that the land in Fengzhuang has been expanding rapidly under the influence of the informal furniture industry.

Characteristics of Soil Parameters of Agricultural Land Use Types, Their Location and Development Forecast

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020
United Kingdom
United States of America

In this paper we point out the basic soil parameters characterizing current arable land, permanent grassland, vineyards, and orchards in Slovakia. While the area of permanent land use types is more or less stable, there is a noticeable decrease in the area of arable land. In Slovakia, arable land is located mainly on the plain. The value of its production potential is 67 points (the highest quality soil has 100 points). Permanent grassland is found at higher altitudes on slopes, with a higher gravel content, and the value of their production potential is 35 points.

Developing a Landscape Design Approach for the Sustainable Land Management of Hill Country Farms in New Zealand

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2020
New Zealand

Landscape modification associated with agricultural intensification has brought considerable challenges for the sustainable development of New Zealand hill country farms. Addressing these challenges requires an appropriate approach to support farmers and design a better landscape that can have beneficial environmental outcomes whilst ensuring continued profitability. In this paper we suggest using geodesign and theories drawn from landscape ecology to plan and design multifunctional landscapes that offer improved sustainability for hill country farm systems and landscapes in New Zealand.

Disentangling the effects of plant species invasion and urban development on arthropod community composition

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2020

Urban development and species invasion are two major global threats to biodiversity. These threats often co-occur, as developed areas are more prone to species invasion. However, few empirical studies have tested if both factors affect biodiversity in similar ways. Here we study the individual and combined effects of urban development and plant invasion on the composition of arthropod communities.

Note sur les forêts du Bénin

Reports & Research
juni, 2020

Les notes-pays sur les forêts constituent une pièce maîtresse du Plan d’action pour les forêts (EX1620) et du Plan d’action sur les Changements Climatiques (2016-2020) du Groupe de la Banque mondiale. Elles fournissent une évaluation approfondie de l’état actuel des forêts, du secteur forestier et des investissements nécessaires pour assurer une gestion durable de cette précieuse ressource naturelle renouvelable.

Los pueblos indígenas de América Latina – Abya Yala y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible: tensiones y desafíos desde una perspectiva territorial

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2020
South America
Central America

Han pasado 30 años desde la adopción del Convenio sobre Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales, 1989 (núm. 169) de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) y, a pesar de que los Estados de América Latina reconocieron plenamente los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, este continúa siendo uno de los colectivos con mayor rezago en materia económico-social, aun cuando la región ha logrado grandes avances en este ámbito.

Bottom-Up Perspectives on the Re-Greening of the Sahel: An Evaluation of the Spatial Relationship between Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) and Tree-Cover in Burkina Faso

Peer-reviewed publication
mei, 2020
South Sudan
Central African Republic
Burkina Faso

The Re-Greening of the West African Sahel has attracted great interdisciplinary interest since it was originally detected in the mid-2000s. Studies have investigated vegetation patterns at regional scales using a time series of coarse resolution remote sensing analyses. Fewer have attempted to explain the processes behind these patterns at local scales. This research investigates bottom-up processes driving Sahelian greening in the northern Central Plateau of Burkina Faso—a region recognized as a greening hot spot.

2020 United Nations High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development: Voluntary National Review Report of Brunei Darussalam

Reports & Research
mei, 2020
Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam strives to build on its Millennium Development Goals achievements to take greater strides towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).