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Rethinking “development”: Land dispossession for the Rampal power plant in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

In this article, we critically review the developmental claims made for the construction of the Rampal power plant in southwestern Bangladesh, in the light of evidence about transformations of land control related to this construction project. Land has become a heavily contested resource in the salinity-intruded southwestern coastal area of Bangladesh. Changes in land control for the construction of the Rampal power plant and similar projects have intensified decades of struggles over rights and access to land.

Cartographie des changements de l’occupation du sol entre 2002 et 2016 à partir des images Landsat. Cas de la région Tanger Tetouan Al-Hoceima (Maroc).

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

La région Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima située au nord-ouest du Maroc a connu, dans des dernières décennies, différents travaux d’aménagement de territoire qui ont eu, certainement, un impact sur le paysage et l’écosystème de la région. La région a accueilli des infrastructures de grandes tailles telles que le port Tanger Med installé au bord du détroit Gibraltar, la ligne de train à grande vitesse reliant Tanger à Casablanca, réseaux routiers, barrages…etc. L’objectif de cet article est de cartographier les changements du paysage de la région via l’analyse diachronique de l’occupation du sol.

Don't Throw Caution to the Wind: In the green energy transition, not all critical minerals will be goldmines

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2020

This note proves recommendations for governments, international actors, and mining advocates who seek to optimize the value of green energy mineral reserves, to ensure that expectations for green energy materials do not replace careful planning, impact assessment, and allocation of risks, as well as prevent over-production.

Développer un marché local de l’assainissement en milieu rural

Reports & Research
april, 2020

Fin 2015, alors que le taux d’accès à l’assainissement amélioré en zone rurale se situe autour de 40 %, le Sénégal renouvelle sa Stratégie nationale d’assainissement rural, dont l’ambition s’accorde avec les Objectifs du développement durable, visant la fin des pratiques de défécation à l’air libre et l’universalité de l’accès à l’assainissement amélioré.

BTI 2020 Country Report Nepal

Reports & Research
april, 2020

The last two years have been a period of rebound and cautious optimism in Nepal. After having been hit by two large earthquakes in 2015 that killed over 9,000 people and rendered many more homeless, and having suffered through a long, tortuous constituent assembly process that finally resulted in a new constitution, the country has seen progress on political and economic fronts in the recent past. Governance, however, remains an issue.

Reporte Final sobre el Programa de Establecimiento de Metas Voluntarias de Neutralidad de la Degradación de la Tierra

Agreements & Contracts
april, 2020

El siguiente documento detalla el proceso institucional llevado adelante en la República Argentina para establecer las metas voluntarias de Neutralidad de la Degradación de la Tierra a escala nacional. La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó, en septiembre de 2015, la “Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible” que define 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) y una serie de metas entre las que se destaca la meta 15.3 que involucra la neutralidad de la degradación de la tierra (NDT).

Influence of Logos on Social Attitudes toward the Landscape of Protected Areas: The Case of National and Natural Parks in Spain

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

This study is the first analysis of the influence of the design of the logos of the National and Natural Parks of Spain on social attitudes toward these protected areas (PAs). The effect of certain elements in the logo of a PA on its attractiveness and on support for its conservation was explored through a questionnaire survey of groups of university students. The respondents were asked to choose between different park logos, using three main criteria: tourist interest, conservation priority, and willingness to pay for conservation.

Determination of the Environmental Factors that Affect the Growth and Survival of Greek Fir Seedlings

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

Forests in the montane-Mediterranean zone have only recently began to be affected by wildfires, therefore the knowledge necessary for restoration projects is missing. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of factors related to seedling attributes, weather conditions and site suitability on seedling performance. The characterisation of sites was based on bedrock and soil clay content as well as pre-fire vegetation. Apical growth and survival of seedlings was monitored for four years in Parnitha National Park.

Latitudinal Gradient in Urban Pressure and Socio-Environmental Quality: The “Peninsula Effect” in Italy

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

The purpose of this work is to synthesize, for an international audience, certain fundamental elements that characterize the Italian peninsular territory, through the use of a biogeographical model known as the “peninsula effect” (PE). Just as biodiversity in peninsulas tends to change, diverging from the continental margin, so do some socio-economic and behavioral characteristics, for which it is possible to detect a progressive and indisputable variation depending on the distance from the continental mass.

Environmental Transformations in the Area of the Kuźnica Warężyńska Sand Mine, Southern Poland

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of maps, published literature, and environmental reconnaissance, this article discusses environmental transformations in the area of the Kuźnica Warężyńska sand mine in southern Poland over the years 1944–2015. A comprehensive ecological analysis was carried out concerning spatial development, mining activity, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions as well as the biotic environment.

Trade-Offs between Economic Benefits and Ecosystem Services Value under Three Cropland Protection Scenarios for Wuhan City in China

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

Over the past few decades urbanization and population growth have been the main trend all over the world, which brings the increase of economic benefits (EB) and the decrease of cropland. Cropland protection policies play an important role in the urbanization progress. In this study, we assess the trade-offs between EB and ecosystem services value (ESV) under three cropland protection policy scenarios using the LAND System Cellular Automata for Potential Effects (LANDSCAPE) model.

Using a Social-ecological Regime Shift Approach to Understand the Transition from Livestock to Game Farming in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020
South Africa
Southern Africa

This study explored the shift in land use from livestock farming to game farming in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, from a social-ecological regime shift perspective. A regime shift can be defined as a large, persistent change in the structure and function of the intertwined social and ecological components of a landscape. This research focused on the Amakhala game reserve as a case study to understand how the shift affected the provision of ecosystem services and human wellbeing.