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Decolonising Conservation Policy: How Colonial Land and Conservation Ideologies Persist and Perpetuate Indigenous Injustices at the Expense of the Environment

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The livelihoods of indigenous peoples, custodians of the world’s forests since time immemorial, were eroded as colonial powers claimed de jure control over their ancestral lands. The continuation of European land regimes in Africa and Asia meant that the withdrawal of colonial powers did not bring about a return to customary land tenure. Further, the growth in environmentalism has been interpreted by some as entailing conservation ahead of people.

Hunting Tourism as a Possible Development Tool in Protected Areas of Extremadura, Spain

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2020

The constant declaration of new protected natural spaces that has taken place on a world scale in recent decades has caused changes in rural areas, where these spaces are often host to traditional activities that have acted over time as the area’s main sources of wealth. Among these activities, hunting has been one of the most affected. For this reason, the following study analyzes the incidence of one of the economic sectors linked to venatoria, hunting tourism, in two protected areas with an established hunting tradition: Sierra de San Pedro and Monfragüe.

Climate Change Affected Vegetation Dynamics in the Northern Xinjiang of China: Evaluation by SPEI and NDVI

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2020

Drought and vegetation dynamics in the northern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China (NXC), the centre of Asia with arid climate, were assessed using the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Analyses were performed through the use of Sen’s method and Spearman’s correlation to investigate variations in the NDVI and the impacts of drought on vegetation from 1998 to 2015.

ASFCC closing event toolkit

Institutional & promotional materials
maart, 2020
South-Eastern Asia

This toolkit contains presentations from the closing event of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) held at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, 25-26 February 2020. The toolkit contains the following presentations:

Biocombustible, más leña al fuego

Reports & Research
februari, 2020

Este informe muestra que dada la falta de limitaciones al uso de de materias primas de riesgo elevado
de deforestación, la ambición mundial actual de aumentar el uso de biocombustibles puede conducir a una mayor deforestación y a aumentos asociados de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. El informe presenta escenarios de desarrollo bajo, medio y alto de la demanda de aceite de palma y soja para biocombustibles en el periodo hasta 2030
en las jurisdicciones más relevantes.

La gestion communautaire des ressources en eau douce: Un guide du practicien pour appliquer la théorie TNC de la Voix, du Choix et de l’Action

Manuals & Guidelines
februari, 2020

Bien qu’étant une des ressources les plus essentielles pour toute vie sur Terre, l’eau douce ne représente que 3% des ressources d’eau de la planète, et seulement 0,5% de cette eau douce est facilement accessible aux humains. De plus, les ressources d’eau douce (RED) disponibles sont inégalement distribuées à travers le globe, de nombreuses régions et populations faisant face à des problèmes de pénurie et de qualité d’eau.

Assessing economic instruments to steer urban residential sprawl, using a hedonic pricing simulation modelling approach

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Over the past centuries, cities have undergone major transformations that led to global urbanization. One of the phenomena emerging from urbanization is urban sprawl, defined as the uncontrolled spread of cities into undeveloped areas. The decrease in housing prices and commuting costs as well as the failure to internalize the real costs associated with natural land, led to households moving-out into the urban fringe – resulting in fragmented, low-density residential development patterns that has multiple negative impacts.

Can technology help achieve sustainable intensification? Evidence from milk recording on Irish dairy farms

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

This article explores the potential of a farm technology to simultaneously improve farm efficiency and provide wider environmental and social benefits. Identifying these ‘win-win-win’ strategies and encouraging their widespread adoption is critical to achieve sustainable intensification. Using a nationally representative sample of 296 Irish dairy farms from 2015, propensity score matching is applied to measure the impact of milk recording on a broad set of farm sustainability indicators.

Bioeconomic modelling – An application of environmentally adjusted economic accounts and the computable general equilibrium model

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020
United States of America

Building on the current international discourse and United Nation's System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) this study provides further empirical evidences on how failure to include natural capital resources in national accounting leads to erroneous calculation of macroeconomic estimates. The SEEA methodological framework for integrating natural capital into the System of National Accounts amplifies analytical power of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and allows to investigate relationship between the economy and the environment.

Informality in Urban Areas, a Case of Land Use Transformation in Mlalakuwa Settlement, Dar es Salaam

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Land use development and transformation in informal settlements have been taking place because informal settlements have been alternative way of providing affordable housing to low income people. Many governments use strict regulations to deny informal settlements from infrastructure services but in Tanzania informal settlements are provided with such services. This paper presents the findings on how land use transformation is taking place and publicly used spaces disappear overtime in the informal settlements, the context behind and their outcomes.

Hello Can You Hear me? On Climate Change: Inequalities And Gender Vulnerability In Benin

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

This paper focuses on gender mainstreaming in modeling the impacts of climate change by development sector. Inspired by the methodologies of the Guillaumont economic vulnerability index (2008, 2009) and the UNDP poverty vulnerability ratio (2011), a synthetic index called the ‘Index of Inequality of Gender Vulnerability to Climate Change (IIGVcc)’, which is a modeling by development sector, of vulnerability inequalities to climate change between men and women, is proposed.

Mapping and monitoring of the land use/cover changes in the wider area of Itanos, Crete, using very high resolution EO imagery with specific interest in archaeological sites

Reports & Research
februari, 2020
United States of America

Archaeological site mapping is important for both understanding the history and protecting the sites from excavation during developmental activities. As archaeological sites are generally spread over a large area, use of high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery is becoming increasingly applicable in the world. The main objective of this study is to map the land cover of the Itanos area of Crete and of its changes, with specific focus on the detection of the landscape’s archaeological features.