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Gouvernance forestière et climatique en République du Congo : Défis et Perspectives

Reports & Research
februari, 2020

De nombreux pays ont reconnu l’importance des forêts pour l’atténuation des changements climatiques. Adopté le 12 décembre 2015 et entré en vigueur le 4 novembre 2016, l’Accord de Paris sur le climat intègre une action sur l’utilisation des terres, y compris la Réduction des Émissions issues de la Déforestation et de la Dégradation des forêts (REDD+). Un nombre important de contributions nationales (CDN) soumises par les pays à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques (CCNUCC) comprennent l’utilisation des terres ainsi que des objectifs forestiers.

Cadre National d’Investissement REDD+ 2020-2025 de la RCA.

Reports & Research
februari, 2020
Central African Republic

Depuis 2009, la République Centrafricaine (RCA) est engagée dans la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) liées à la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts, la gestion durable, la conservation et l’augmentation des stocks de carbone forestier (REDD+). En août 2011, sa proposition de préparation à la Readiness (R-PP) au Fonds de Partenariat pour le Carbone Forestier (FCPF) a été validée. Ce processus, interrompu par la crise politique de 2012-2013, a repris en 2016 avec le retour à l’ordre constitutionnel.

Reducing Vulnerability to Desertification by Using the Spatial Measures in a Degraded Area in Thailand

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

The process of desertification is complex, involving interaction between many factors, both environmental and anthropogenic. However, human activities, especially from land-use change and inappropriate land use, are the most influential factors associated with the desertification risk. This study was conducted in Huay Sai, a degraded land in Thailand. The Environmentally Sensitive Area Index (ESAI) model incorporating Geogracphic Information System (GIS) was applied to investigate and map the desertification sensitivity area.

Protected Areas as a Center of Attraction for Visits from World Heritage Cities: Extremadura (Spain)

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Conservation of the environment has become a key factor in tourist development, as is shown by the increase in visitors to natural parks and other places with rich ecosystems. Protected areas have become polarised centers for tourists of very varied characteriztics, not only for those who make them their main destination, but also for those who travel to nearby areas.

Urban Greenways: A Systematic Review and Typology

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Greenways are multifunctional linear landscapes that provide a range of socio-ecological benefits. As a domain of landscape planning research, greenways gained traction in the late 20th century and today, there is substantial interest in greenway planning and design. This is especially true in urban areas, as noted at the sixth Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning.

Mineral Soil Texture–Land Cover Dependency on Microwave Dielectric Models in an Arid Environment

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

In this study, we measured and characterized the relative dielectric constant of mineral soils over the 0.3–3.0 frequency range, and compared our measurements with values of three dielectric constant simulation models (the Wang, Dobson, and Mironov models). The interrelationship between land cover and soil texture with respect to the dielectric constant was also investigated. Topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were collected from homogenous areas based on a land unit map of the study site, located in the Gamsar Plain in northern Iran.

Coupled Relationship between Rural Livelihoods and the Environment at a Village Scale: A Case Study in the Mongolian Plateau

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Rural livelihoods, which are basic human activities, have long interacted with the environment. In light of the complexity of the human–environment system, more interdisciplinary analyses from geographical, environmental, and social sciences are needed. Using qualitative and quantitative methods from social, environmental, and geographical sciences, this study conducted a geographical regionalization and a comparative analysis of rural livelihoods in different zones in the Loess Plateau to explore the relationship between rural livelihoods and the environment.

Socially-Tolerated Practices in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reporting: Discourses, Displacement, and Impoverishment

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020
South Africa
Southern Africa

Normative guidelines for addressing project-induced displacement and resettlement have been successful in coercing companies and practitioners to comply with international standards and local requirements. However, good practice has not always been effectively implemented, leading to reduced social wellbeing of people in local communities. We assess how the reciprocal relationships between institutional norms and practitioners’ situated perspectives about company-community interactions can improve social management practice.

Assessing Changes in Ecosystem Service Values over 1985–2050 in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in Abaya-Chamo Basin, Southern Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

This study evaluated the effect of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) dynamics on the value of ecosystem services in Abaya-Chamo basin over 1985–2050. The main objectives of the study were to estimate the value of ecosystem services of Abaya-Chamo basin using local and global ecosystem service value coefficients, assess how it changes over time, and develop tools to inform policy and public decision-making to protect lands and waters in the region.

Sustainability Analysis of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC Based Restoration of Degraded Land in North India

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Restoration of marginal and degraded lands is essential for regaining biodiversity and ecosystems services, and thereby attaining UN-Sustainable Development Goals. During the last few decades, many fast growing and hardy trees have been introduced worldwide to restore the marginal and degraded lands for ecosystem stability. Unfortunately, most of these introduced species have become invasive and invaded the nearby productive systems, leading to significant biodiversity loss and land degradation.