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Monitoring and prediction of pasture quality and productivity using planet scope satellite data for sustainable livestock production systems in Colombia

december, 2019

As the population increases, demand for food increases too, which has led to large-scale land conversion to improve livestock production in Colombia. Fulfilling these criteria of increasing demand in a sustainable way is a challenge and remote sensing data provides an accurate method to support this task. In this study, Planet Scope multispectral satellite datasets and coincident field measurements acquired over test fields in the study area (Patía) of September 2018 was used.

Citizen’s science approach to climate smart and nutrition sensitive seed value chains for food and nutrition security in Uganda and Ethiopia

december, 2019

Local communities currently have limited access to information and the diversity of planting materials that would allow them to diversify their production systems to cope with unpredictable weather and stabilize their livelihoods. There are currently limited and scattered mechanisms in place to share and increase the diversity of farmers’ varieties beyond the local level.

Climate Services Ecosystems in times of COVID-19

december, 2019

Faced with the greatest public health crisis of our time, people must work together and learn from each other to overcome the complex challenges facing our communities, countries, and the world. Climate-related hazards are one of those challenges; they exacerbate already challenging public health conditions and impact not just people, but also the infrastructure, trade, and community support on which society depends. Through

Vulnérabilité des ptéridophytes au changement climatique et implications pour leur conservation au Togo (Afrique de l’Ouest)

december, 2019

Contexte et objectifs –
La conservation durable de la biodiversité requiert une bonne compréhension des causes de son déclin. Mis à part les activités humaines, les changements climatiques se révèlent comme la principale menace qui pèse sur la biodiversité au 21ème siècle. Notre étude vise à déterminer l’impact du changement climatique sur les Ptéridophytes au Togo.
Méthodologie –

Ethiopian Digital AgroClimate Advisory Platform (EDACaP) Technical Working Document - Brief version

december, 2019

One of the main problems for Ethiopian smallholder farmers is a general lack of reliable weather and climate forecasts. The lack of climate forecasting information becomes more and more challenging for smallholder farmers as the variability in weather increases, which results in an unpredictable and highly variable agricultural yield. To address this challenge, the first phase of the platform is to generate and provide relatively better-quality local weather forecasts.

CRP 2020 Reviews: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

december, 2019

In 2020 the CGIAR CAS Secretariat is conducting independent reviews of the 12 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), including this one of CCAFS. The reviews will provide information on quality of science and effectiveness in each CRP. This review covers the Phase II years of 2017 through 2019, with a view to identifying lessons for future research modalities.