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Tools for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation and Management Science-Policy Brief

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2019

Land degradation neutrality (LDN) is achieved if land degradation is avoided or reduced, and new degradation is balanced by reversing degradation elsewhere in the same land type through restoration or rehabilitation. The primary instrument for avoiding and reducing degradation is the application of sustainable land management (SLM) approaches and technologies. Because of its multifunctional roles and its sensitivity to land management, soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the three global indicators for LDN, so predicting and monitoring change in SOC is vital to achieving LDN targets.

Global Land Outlook: West Africa Thematic Report: Land Degradation Neutrality: Benefits for Human Security

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2019
Western Africa
Burkina Faso

Located in the arid and semi-arid areas of West Africa, the Sahel has undergone profound changes over the past 50 years. Known for the prevalence of land degradation processes, the Sahel is suffering from the combined negative effects of population growth, human activities and climate variability, resulting in recurrent droughts and the continued decline of natural resources and land productivity.

2019 Land for Life Award: Decades of Impact

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2019

The 2019 edition of the Land for Life Award puts the spotlight on individuals and organizations that made outstanding contributions to achieve land degradation neutrality on a large scale, with long-term changes and dedicated actions for 25 years or longer. Those remarkable projects involve local people, communities and the society, raising the level of their ambition. Meanwhile, recent assessments remind us that two billion hectares of land are now degraded worldwide. This represents an area larger than the territory of the Russian Federation, the biggest country in the world.

Land Degradation Neutrality for Biodiversity Conservation

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2019

Land degradation and biodiversity loss are among the most pressing environmental challenges facing humanity. Land degradation has reduced the productivity of nearly one-quarter of the global land surface, impacted the wellbeing of about 3.2 billion people and cost about 10% of annual global gross domestic product in lost ecosystem services. An estimated 23% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions derive from agriculture, forestry and other land uses, contributing to climate change.

Gotong royong masyarakat Indonesia menangani karhutla dikaitkan dengan teori Soekarno dan Aristoteles

Reports & Research
november, 2019

Kebakaran hutan adalah terjadinya peristiwa terbakarnya hutan yang diakibatkan oleh aktivitas alam dan juga oleh aktivitas manusia itu sendiri. Kebakaran hutan yang melanda Indonesia yaitu di wilayah Kalimantan dan juga Riau diakibatkan oleh adanya kegiatan land clearing. Selain itu kebakaran hutan dan lahan juga dipicu karena adanya kekeringan panjang yang melanda Indonesia. Land Clearing adalah kegiatan pembersihan lahan yang dimulai dari pemotongan pohon, pembabatan ilalang, dan pembakaran sampai lahan siap untuk digunakan.

Evaluation of Sustainable Land Management and Innovative Financing to Enhance Climate Resilience and Food Security in Bhutan

Reports & Research
november, 2019

Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (BTFEC) in collaboration with National Soil Service Centre (NSSC), and Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) has undertaken the Evaluation and Learning (E&L) activity with financial support from Climate Investment Funds (CIF) for the project ‘Evaluation of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and innovative financing to enhance climate resilience and food security in Bhutan’.

L’action publique à l’épreuve des inondations dans la banlieue de Dakar

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2019

À partir d’une enquête ethnographique dans les quartiers populaires de la banlieue de Dakar, cet article explore la construction progressive de toute une conceptualisation autour des inondations comme objet d’action publique. Il montre notamment comment les différentes formes de problématisation ont produit des référents pratiques et moraux qui permettent aux acteurs impliqués localement de se coordonner entre eux ainsi qu’avec l’État, ce qui amène à une certaine régulation des actions.

Gender and land degradation neutrality: A cross-country analysis to support more equitable practices

Reports & Research
november, 2019

Women and men have unequal opportunities to address land degradation. While adoption of Sustainable Development Goal target 15.3 leads the world to ‘strive towards land degradation neutrality (LDN)’ by 2030, gender concerns are sparsely considered in LDN programming to date. To achieve LDN in regions with deeply entrenched socio‐cultural norms requires gender‐responsiveness, accounting for the varied gender components of land degradation.

Armenia’s Transformative Urban Future: National Urban Assessment

Reports & Research
november, 2019

The National Urban Assessment for Armenia provides a snapshot of the country’s urban sector and offers insights to achieving prosperous and sustainable cities. Armenia is highly urbanized, with the population concentrated in Yerevan and its surrounding areas given the capital’s geopolitical, economic, and cultural legacy. Opportunities exist to develop well-planned infrastructure along with balanced resource distribution among Yerevan and other cities, while leveraging Armenia’s cultural and environmental assets.

Le Tchad des Lacs

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2019

Au cœur du Sahel tchadien à 12° 50’ N et 17° 30’ E, le lac Fitri est considéré comme « le lac Tchad en miniature » (Gillet, 1962 ; Caterina et Marzio, 2005). Très variable, cet hydrosystème endoréique est principalement alimenté par le bahr1 Batha, un tributaire temporaire qui prend sa source à l’est dans le massif du Ouaddaï à plus de 600 km.

Global Climate Risk Index 2020

Reports & Research
november, 2019

The Global Climate Risk Index 2020 analyses to what extent countries and regions have been affected by impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heatwaves etc.). The most recent data available— for 2018 and from 1999 to 2018 —were taken into account. The countries and territories affected most in 2018 were Japan, the Philippines as well as  Germany. For the period from 1999 to 2018 Puerto Rico, Myanmar and Haiti rank highest.

The Transition from Housing Demolition to Conservation and Renovation in Shanghai: Challenges and Countermeasures

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2019

In the past few decades, a considerable number of old houses have been demolished in China’s urban redevelopment projects, which led to the disappearance of some historic buildings and the relocation of the original residents. Recently, the strategy of housing demolition (HD) in Chinese cities has been replaced by housing conservation and renovation (HCR). However, the transition from HD to HCR is not carried out well. This study aims to explore the key challenges in HCR practice by using a mixed method.