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The economic value of tourism and recreation across a large protected area network

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Environmental economists routinely use travel cost methods to value recreational services from protected areas, but a number of limitations remain. First, most travel cost studies focus on a single protected area or a small handful of protected area sites; value estimates that relate to a protected area network across a larger geographic area or jurisdiction are rare. Second, most protected area travel cost studies use on-site sampling techniques that bias value estimates towards those reported by frequent visitors.

Farmers Willingness to Participate In Voluntary Land Consolidation in Gozamin District, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

In many African countries and especially in the highlands of Ethiopia—the investigation site of this paper—agricultural land is highly fragmented. Small and scattered parcels impede a necessary increase in agricultural efficiency. Land consolidation is a proper tool to solve inefficiencies in agricultural production, as it enables consolidating plots based on the consent of landholders. Its major benefits are that individual farms get larger, more compact, contiguous parcels, resulting in lower cultivation efforts.

Valuing Environmental Amenities across Space: A Geographically Weighted Regression of Housing Preferences in Greenville County, SC

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

As global consumption and development rates continue to grow, there will be persistent stress placed on public goods, namely environmental amenities. Urban sprawl and development places pressure on forested areas, as they are often displaced or degraded in the name of economic development. This is problematic because environmental amenities are valued by the public, but traditional market analysis typically obscures the value of these goods and services that are not explicitly traded in a market setting.

Projecting Urbanization and Landscape Change at Large Scale Using the FUTURES Model

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Increasing population and rural to urban migration are accelerating urbanization globally, permanently transforming natural systems over large extents. Modelling landscape change over large regions, however, presents particular challenges due to local-scale variations in social and environmental factors that drive land change.

Evaluating Resilience-Centered Development Interventions with Remote Sensing

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2019

Natural disasters are projected to increase in number and severity, in part due to climate change. At the same time a growing number of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation measures are being implemented by governmental and non-governmental organizations, and substantial post-disaster donations are frequently pledged. At the same time there has been increasing demand for transparency and accountability, and thus evidence of those measures having a positive effect.

A catástrofe climática e o ataque neoliberal à Índia rural

Reports & Research
september, 2019

O Censo Indiano de 2011 contabilizou 833 milhões de pessoas vivendo em áreas rurais, sendo agricultores cerca de 95,8 milhões. A Índia rural, nas últimas décadas, passa por uma grave crise agrária, como consequência da comercialização da agricultura, da dominação do setor por corporações multinacionais, dívidas enormes entre os pequenos agricultores e trabalhadores agrícolas. Há uma epidemia de suicídios, altas taxas de desnutrição e crises em cascata entre artesãos e mineiros, os outros trabalhadores de áreas rurais.

How can REDD+ promote and support social safeguards in national laws?

Reports & Research
september, 2019

In West and Central Africa, home to 25% of the world’s tropical forests, the climate challenge is set against the threat of deforestation. In light of this threat, national laws and regulations seek to protect, restore, and manage the use of these forests for national development.

International initiatives such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) have identified that strengthening national laws to improve forest governance is an important tool to strike a balance between protection of forests and national development.

Developing a toolbox for rangeland restoration/rehabilitation in arid environments

Conference Papers & Reports
september, 2019
Northern Africa

Rangelands are recognized for their importance and value in providing society with valuable products and ecosystem services. In such ecosystems, effective management is needed for sustainable plant growth and survival in a context characterized by rainfall unreliability, poor soil nutrient status and high uncontrolled grazing. Therefore, cost-effective techniques/tools for slowing down and eventually reversing this degradation are needed. This paper promotes identifying and combining various tools for degraded arid ecosystems as strategies aimed for rangeland restoration/ rehabilitation.

Storytelling climate change – Causality and temporality in the REDD+ regime in Papua New Guinea

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2019
Papua New Guinea

Climate change is shaped and understood through assumptions of causality and temporality that enable and constrain feasible approaches to environmental governance, approaches that may reproduce inequalities. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) provides an entry point to examine the intersecting assumptions and politics around climate change and how it is managed. Actors in the REDD+ regime promote particular assumptions about the causality and temporality of climate change, which are often privileged over local ways of being and knowing.

Identifying Opportunities to Conserve Farm Ponds on Private Lands: Integration of Social, Ecological, and Historical Data

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

In some landscapes, effective conservation of wildlife habitat requires extending beyond the boundaries of reserves and addressing stewardship of private lands. This approach could be especially valuable for the conservation of farm ponds, which are abundant and serve key agricultural functions on private lands. Though farm ponds also provide wildlife habitat, little is known about how they are managed or how values and beliefs of their owners relate to their quality.

Flooding and Land Use Change in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019
South-Eastern Asia

Flooding is a routine occurrence throughout much of the monsoonal tropics. Despite well-developed repertoires of response, agrarian societies have been ‘double exposed’ to intensifying climate change and agro-industrialization over the past several decades, often in ways that alter both the regularity of flood events and individual and community capacity for response.