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Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media Data for Socio-Environmental Systems Research

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2019

Social media data provide an unprecedented wealth of information on people’s perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors at fine spatial and temporal scales and over broad extents. Social media data produce insight into relationships between people and the environment at scales that are generally prohibited by the spatial and temporal mismatch between traditional social and environmental data. These data thus have great potential for use in socio-environmental systems (SES) research.

Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index Applied to Major Vegetation Types of the Western Interior United States

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2019

We applied a framework to assess climate change vulnerability of 52 major vegetation types in the Western United States to provide a spatially explicit input to adaptive management decisions. The framework addressed climate exposure and ecosystem resilience; the latter derived from analyses of ecosystem sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Measures of climate change exposure used observed climate change (1981–2014) and then climate projections for the mid-21st century (2040–2069 RCP 4.5).

Land of Plenty, Land of Misery: Synergetic Resource Grabbing in Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2019

textabstractGlobal climate change policy enforcement has become the new driving force of resource
grabbing in the context of the “scramble of resources” in Africa. Nevertheless, the environmental crisis
should not be seen as an isolated phenomenon amid contemporary capitalism. On the contrary, a very
distinct feature of the current wave of land grabs is the convergence of multiple crises, including food,
energy/fuel, environmental, and financial. The Southern Mozambique District, Massingir, is an area


Reports & Research
juli, 2019



This report was prepared by a World Bank team led by Martin Fodor and Stephen Ling. The team was composed of Aye Marlar Win, Aung Kyaw Naing, David Gritten, Kyaw Htun, Lesya Verheijen, Lwin Lwin Aung, Martin Greijmans, Nina Doetinchem, Robert Oberndorf, Ronnakorn Triraganon, Thiri Aung, and Werner Kornexl. 

The Land We Lost

Reports & Research
juni, 2019

This publication is the outcome of our research on the socio-environmental impacts of large pulp and paper, timber tree and oil palm plantations in Sarawak. It contains two case studies on plantation affected indigenous communities in Batu Niah and Bakong in the Miri Division. It stresses on the importance of understanding the context of large monoculture plantations in Sarawak accurately, as it entails two destructive factors. First, it involves deforestation, as it is clearly a post-logging development.

The Land We Lost Briefing Document

Reports & Research
juni, 2019

This publication is the outcome of our research on the socio-environmental impacts of large pulp and paper, timber tree and oil palm plantations in Sarawak. It contains two case studies on plantation affected indigenous communities in Batu Niah and Bakong in the Miri Division. It stresses on the importance of understanding the context of large monoculture plantations in Sarawak accurately, as it entails two destructive factors. First, it involves deforestation, as it is clearly a post-logging development.

A linkage between the biophysical and the economic: Assessing the global market impacts of soil erosion

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2019

Employing a linkage between a biophysical and an economic model, this study estimates the economic impact of soil erosion by water on the world economy. The global biophysical model estimates soil erosion rates, which are converted into land productivity losses and subsequently inserted into a global market simulation model. The headline result is that soil erosion by water is estimated to incur a global annual cost of eight billion US dollars to global GDP.

Effectiveness and equity of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Real-effort experiments with Vietnamese land users

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2019
South-Eastern Asia

Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are widespread in conservation policy. In PES, environmental effectiveness and social equity are often perceived as conflicting goals. Empirical studies on the relationship between popular design features, such as payment differentiation and payment conditionality, and effectiveness and equity are scarce. Further, they struggle with measuring and separating ecological and equity outcomes.

Fostering farm transfers from farm owners to unrelated, new farmers: A qualitative assessment of farm link services

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2019

The transition of farms and ranches to the next generation has generated considerable attention and concern. Over the past 30 years, public and private institutions across the U.S. have introduced policies and programs to help farms without identified family successors achieve successful transfers by connecting them with new farmers through “farm link” services. However, the effectiveness of these services is unclear and assessment is needed.

Apes, crops and communities: land concessions and conservation in Cameroon

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2019

Cameroon’s current land law appears to have two conflicting objectives: to attract investors through large-scale land concessions while simultaneously protecting biodiversity, defending local people’s rights and promoting rural development. But the legislation governing large-scale land-based investments is outdated and sometimes incoherent. The land allocation process is investor driven and does not appropriately balance economic, social or environmental considerations.

Bhutan Forest Note

Reports & Research
juni, 2019

The Bhutan Forest Note articulates opportunities for supporting Bhutan's sustainable development aspirations, including its constitutional commitment to maintain at least 60 percent of the country's land area under forest cover and to better respond or prepare for vulnerabilities such as climate change and natural disasters. The note presents a forward-looking business case for Bhutan to support an increase in forest utilization without jeopardizing the integrity of forest and non-forest ecosystems.

Microhabitats Affect Population Size and Plant Vigor of Three Critically Endangered Endemic Plants in Southern Sinai Mountains, Egypt

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2019

Endemic species on mountains often have narrow altitudinal ranges and are more threatened at the higher altitudes, especially with climate changes. However, plants could use special microhabitats at the mountain tops as proper places for surviving the climate change (i.e., refugia). We assessed population attributes of three critically endangered endemic species (Primula boveana Decne ex Duby, Rosa arabica Crep., and Silene leucophylla Boiss.) in two growing seasons (2006/2007 and 2013/2014), differing in the received rainfalls in microhabitats at the high mountains of southern Sinai.