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Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Since small-scale farmers manage most of the cultivated land worldwide, the ongoing shift in systems of production associated with large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) may dramatically reshape the world's agrarian landscape, significantly impacting rural populations and their livelihoods. The societal, hydrological and environmental implications resulting from the expansion of large-scale agricultural production, through LSLAs, make their ultimate sustainability questionable.

The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Vietnam

Reports & Research
december, 2017

WEBSITE ABSTRACT: This thematic study explores the possibilities for strengthening the recognition of customary tenure in Vietnam. It begins with an overview of customary tenure in Vietnam, particularly in upland forest areas where customary systems still prevail. In upland areas, forest land allocation policies have been underway since the 1990s to claim back forest land from unproductive state-owned forest enterprises (SFEs) for redistribution to local forest users.

Unjust Burden. How smallholder farmers in Africa are adapting to climate change to improve their food security

Reports & Research
december, 2017

Over the last two decades, 200 million people across the world have been lifted out of hunger. But as climate change brings more frequent and severe weather shocks such as droughts and floods, and makes rainfall patterns less predictable, these gains are under threat, especially among Africa’s smallholder farmers. Agriculture is Africa’s biggest employer. But mean temperatures are expected to rise faster in the continent than the global average, decreasing crop yields and deepening poverty.

Factores que influyen en la dinámica de la cobertura arbórea en fincas agrícolas familiares en Costa Rica

Reports & Research
december, 2017
Costa Rica

Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo con énfasis en Gestión de Recursos Naturales) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica; Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo. 2017

Bosques y cambio climático en Ecuador: el regente forestal como actor clave en la mitigación del cambio climático

Reports & Research
december, 2017

Es indudable que en la actualidad estamos viviendo un fenómeno climático llamado en tiempos modernos como “Cambio Climático”, cuya evidencia científica es irrefutable. Las causas de este fenómeno mundial se atribuyen al aumento exponencial de las concentraciones de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera resultantes de las actividades humanas, entre otras, las provenientes del cambio de uso del suelo y por degradación forestal. Los bosques, a más de la prestación de bienes que ofrecen, tienen un rol fundamental en la estabilidad climática global.

Transformaciones territoriales en la Amazonía: indígenas, campesinos, fronteras y colonización

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

El artículo hace un balance sobre los aspectos principales que se deducen del proceso de expansión de la frontera agrícola en la Amazonía ecuatoriana con énfasis en el nororiente en donde se desarrollan actividades de explotación petrolera desde la década de 1960. Tal proceso, al igual que la colonización, junto con el ingreso de las empresas agroindustriales y madereras tuvo como trasfondo el discurso oficial de la “Amazonía como territorio vacío”.

Demografía y transformación territorial: medio siglo de cambio en la región amazónica de Ecuador

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Una población numerosa puede favorecer el crecimiento económico (un bebé puede ser un futuro aportador de impuestos), generar oportunidades para la innovación tecnológica (un bebé puede ser un futuro genio e innovador) y dinamizar la economía (más consumidores y más costos compartidos). Pero esto solo puede ser posible si el tejido social y económico de una sociedad es el propicio. ¿Será el crecimiento poblacional amazónico en Ecuador lo suficientemente elevado para garantizar más pobreza y conflicto social a corto y largo plazo, o será un factor de desarrollo?

The sustainable land management program in the Ethiopian highlands: An evaluation of its impact on crop production

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017
Eastern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Agricultural productivity in the highlands of Ethiopia is threatened by severe land degradation, resulting in significant reductions in agricultural GDP. In order to mitigate ongoing erosion and soil nutrient loss in the productive agricultural highlands of the country, the government of Ethiopia initiated a Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP) targeting 209 woredas (districts) in six regions of the country. This study evaluates the impact of SLMP on the value of agricultural production in select woredas by using a panel survey from 2010 to 2014.

Synopsis: The Sustainable Land Management Program in the Ethiopian highlands: An evaluation of its impact on crop production

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017
Eastern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Agricultural productivity in Ethiopia’s highlands, the country’s breadbasket, is threatened by severe land degradation. To mitigate ongoing soil erosion and soil nutrient loss, the government of Ethiopia initiated the Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP). We evaluated the program’s impact on the value of agricultural production in select kebeles (administrative sub-districts) in which it was implemented using a two-round survey of farm households.

Cropland restoration as an essential component to the forest landscape restoration approach - Global effects of widescale adoption

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017

Existing approaches and methodologies that investigate effects of land degradation on food security vary greatly. Although a relatively rich body of literature that investigates localized experiences, geophysical and socioeconomic drivers of land degradation, and the costs and benefits of avoiding land degradation already exists, less rigorously explored are the global effects of restoring degraded landscapes.

Implications of wide-scale cropland restoration: A crucial element of the forest landscape restoration approach

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017

The results of this study reveal that the full inclusion of crop production in the forest landscape restoration approach could produce largescale,
worldwide benefits for food security and therefore facilitate a wide uptake of restoration practices and the implementation of large
restoration projects. The positive impacts are multifaceted and significant in size: a reduction in malnourished children ranging from three
to six million; a reduced number of people at risk of hunger, estimated to be between 70 and 151 million; reduced pressure for expansion