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Standardised Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices in the Governorates of Zaghouan and Medenine (Tunisia) (English version)

Institutional & promotional materials
oktober, 2017
Northern Africa

This is the presentation of Dr. Quang Bao Le during the workshop "Sustainable Land Management to Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality: Options-by-Context Approach and Tool", final workshop for the project "Impact Evaluation of SLM Options to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality", held in Tunis on the 24th October 2017. This presentation highlights the database generation and its results.

Décret n° 2017-1456 du 9 octobre 2017 modifiant les articles R. 125-44, R. 512-80 et R. 556-3 du code de l’environnement et R. 441-8-3 du code de l’urbanisme.

oktober, 2017

Le présent décret régit les installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement; la remise en état; la pollution; et les garanties financières.Le décret supprime l’obligation de souscrire des garanties financières à première demande exigée des tiers demandeurs pour réaliser des travaux de réhabilitation à la suite de l’arrêt définitif d’une installation classée pour la protection de l’environnement et procède à la rectification d’erreurs matérielles.

Loi n°2017-052 du 02 octobre 2017 déterminant les conditions de la libre administration des Collectivités territoriales.

oktober, 2017

La présente loi fixe les conditions de la libre administration des collectivités territoriales (la Commune, le Cercle, la Région).Cette libre administration s’articule autour de l’administration et des finances; du domaine des collectivités territoriales; la responsabilité des collectivités territoriales; la police administrative; la coopération entre les collectivités territoriales.

Unpacking the Pacific Urban Agenda: Resilience Challenges and Opportunities

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2017
Micronesia (region)
French Polynesia

Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are often cited as being the most vulnerable to the future impacts of a changing climate. Furthermore, being located in the ‘Pacific Rim of Fire’, PICs have long been exposed to the impacts of a range of natural and climate-related extreme events—such as earthquakes and cyclones—and are considered to be amongst the most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. The physical vulnerability of Pacific towns and cities is further exaggerated by development deficits, geographical isolation, weak governance, and complex issues of land tenure.

The Integration of Ecosystem Services in Planning: An Evaluation of the Nutrient Retention Model Using InVEST Software

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2017

Mapping ecosystem services (ES) increases the awareness of natural capital value, leading to building sustainability into decision-making processes. Recently, many techniques to assess the value of ES delivered by different scenarios of land use/land cover (LULC) are available, thus becoming important practices in mapping to support the land use planning process. The spatial analysis of the biophysical ES distribution allows a better comprehension of the environmental and social implications of planning, especially when ES concerns the management of risk (e.g., erosion, pollution).

Informal Urban Green Space: Residents’ Perception, Use, and Management Preferences across Four Major Japanese Shrinking Cities

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2017

Urban residents’ health depends on green infrastructure to cope with climate change. Shrinking cities could utilize vacant land to provide more green space, but declining tax revenues preclude new park development—a situation pronounced in Japan, where some cities are projected to shrink by over ten percent, but lack green space. Could informal urban green spaces (IGS; vacant lots, street verges, brownfields etc.) supplement parks in shrinking cities?

The Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Human Responses in a Land Degradation-Affected Region: The Messara Valley (Crete, Greece)

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2017

This paper applies a resilience- and assemblage-based methodology to study the socio-ecological dynamics of human responses in the land degradation-affected Messara Valley (Crete, Greece) socio-ecological system, from 1950 to 2010. It posits that thesedynamics aredriven by changes in their effectiveness, called ‘socio-ecological fit’, to serve place- and time-specific goals.

Central Asian ‘Characteristics’ on China’s New Silk Road: The Role of Landscape and the Politics of Infrastructure

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2017
Central Asia

China’s $1 trillion One Belt, One Road (OBOR) infrastructure project has significant landscape, socio-economic, and political implications in recipient countries. To date, investigation has focused on Chinese motivation and plans rather than OBOR impact in host nations. This paper examines the programme from the perspective of two Central Asian states—Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan—that are at the heart of OBOR.

M&E and Development engagement for ICRAF Project on Land Restoration EU-IFAD Funded

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2017
Eastern Africa
Western Africa

The document presents the progress of three interrelated components: 1) MEL-platform for supporting project planning and implementation of review and monitoring strategy; 2) Framework for Project engagement with Development Partners, measuring project outcomes and impacts where possible; 3)
Geoinformatics Options by Context (GeOC)