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Proyecciones futuras asociadas a los eventos extremos fríos en el sudeste de sudamérica sobre la perspectiva del modelo HadCM3

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2017
South America

Las simulaciones del modelo HadCM3 fueron de las primeras disponibles para el análisis de proyecciones futuras, reflejándose en la literatura que describe principalmente variables de temperatura y precipitación para Sudamérica. El objetivo de ese trabajo es investigar los cambios en la circulación atmosférica en el sudeste de Sudamérica asociada a eventos extremos fríos, en el escenario de emisiones futuras más crítico denominado A2, para el periodo 2081-2100 respecto a un periodo climatológico de referencia 1961-1990, considerando el modelo HadCM3 y los datos del reanálisis NCEP/NCAR.

Rethinking post-disaster relocation in urban India

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2017

After natural disasters, governments often relocate vulnerable urban communities in the name of humanitarian relief. But urban communities rarely welcome such relocation, since it frequently exacerbates their daily challenges or creates new risks. Indeed, resettlement after a disaster is often another form of eviction. This briefing discusses the situation in Chennai, where state and local authorities have been building resettlement tenements on inland marsh areas using centrally sponsored schemes for affordable housing.

Enabling access to clean agricultural inputs and technologies: Improving farmer yields and businesses turnover

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2017

Supporting the agriculture sector

The GoE with technical support from the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme is issuing Second Level Land Certificates (SLLC) to increase the land tenure security of farmers. As a result, farmers are more willing to invest in their land in a productive and sustainable way. However, to allow for increased productive investment, farmers must have access to improved agri-inputs and technologies that are climate smart: this is currently a challenge in most rural areas.

World Bank Resilience M&E

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juli, 2017
Eastern Asia
South-Eastern Asia

These case studies were developed as part of the World Bank's Results Monitoring and Evaluation for Resilience Building Operations (ReM&E) project, which aims to develop and increase the application of systematic, robust, and useful approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for resilience-building projects/programs within the World Bank. The case studies propose to foster a grounded understanding of good ReM&E practices through real-world examples.

Definition and visualization of the context socio-ecological type (CSET)

juli, 2017

The GeOC tool is divided in 2 components: the web-based geographic information system (called WEB-GIS tool) and the Sustainable Land Management (called SLM tool).
This videos focus on WEB-GIS interface. This video shows how a context socio-ecological type can be defined and which the different outputs that the GeOC offers are.
To check the GeOC tool, please follow this link: http://geoc.mel.cgiar.org

Introduction of the GeOC

juli, 2017

Under the Economics of Land degradation initiative (ELD), scientists from ICARDA are collaborating with developments to develop the GeOC tool. It is a new web-based GIS tool to define context specific options for sustainable land management required to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).
This video gives further more infromation about the GeOC tool.
To check the GeOC tool, please follow this link: http://geoc.mel.cgiar.org

Overview of the WEB-GIS interface

juli, 2017

The GeOC tool is divided in 2 components: the web-based geographic information system (called WEB-GIS tool) and the Sustainable Land Management (called SLM tool).
This video gives a presentation of the key functionalities WEB-GIS interface.
To check the GeOC tool, please follow this link: http://geoc.mel.cgiar.org
To learn more about the project under which the GeOC tool is developed, please follow this link: https://mel.cgiar.org/projects/geoxc

Mapping of the context socio-ecological type (CSET)

juli, 2017

The GeOC tool is divided in 2 components: the web-based geographic information system (called WEB-GIS tool) and the Sustainable Land Management (called SLM tool).
This videos focus on WEB-GIS interface. It shows the function that maps the socio-ecological context similarity of a selected SLM. This will provide a spatially explicit extrapolation domain that supports the out or upscaling of the selected SLM.
To check the GeOC tool, please follow this link: http://geoc.mel.cgiar.org

Building Resilience for Peace: Water, Security, and Strategic Interests in Mindanao, Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2017

The Philippines faces a breadth of social and environmental challenges that threaten its economic and political stability. A long history of violent conflict stemming from ethnic, religious, and political tensions is further complicated by changing weather patterns that cause severe drought and damaging storms. Millions of people in Mindanao have been displaced by violence and extreme weather events, and their migration from rural areas leaves room for the expansion of terrorist groups that threaten regional stability.

Changes in Property Rights and Management of High-Elevation Rangelands in Bhutan: Implications for Sustainable Development of Herder Communities

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2017

Property rights and management regimes for high-elevation rangelands in Bhutan have evolved over centuries in response to environmental, cultural, and political imperatives. The 2007 Land Act of Bhutan aims to redress historical inequities in property rights by redistributing grazing leases to local livestock owners in a process known as rangeland nationalization.

Defenders of the Earth. Global killings of land and environmental defenders in 2016

Reports & Research
juli, 2017

Covers global panorama, where the situation has worsened, the context for killings, moving forward. At least 200 land and environmental defenders were killed in 2016, the highest on record, spread across 24 countries. Cites their names. With many killings unreported, and even less investigated, likely that the true number is actually far higher. This tide of violence driven by an intensifying fight for land and natural resources, as mining, logging, hydro-electric and agricultural companies trample on people and the environment in their pursuit of profit.