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Federal Law No. 261-FZ amending Water Code (No. 74-FZ).

juli, 2017

This Federal Law establishes that in order to prevent the negative impact of water on certain territories and objects and to eliminate its consequences, measures shall be taken to prevent negative impact of water and liquidation of its consequences in accordance with this Water Code. Engineering protection of territories and objects against flooding, underflooding, water shorelines, waterlogging and other negative impacts caused by water.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters.

juli, 2017

This Regulation repeals Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 1 of Article 5 and Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 4 of Article 6.

Amends: Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters. (2012-12-15)

Future changes in drought characteristics over southern South America projected by a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2017

The impact of climate change on drought main characteristics was assessed over Southern South America. This was done through the precipitation outputs from a multi-model ensemble of 15 climate models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). The Standardized Precipitation Index was used as a drought indicator, given its temporal flexibility and simplicity. Changes in drought characteristics were identified by the difference for early (2011-2040) and late (2071-2100) 21st century values with respect to the 1979-2008 baseline.

Regional Law of 18 July 2017, n. 16- Provisions for the adaptation of the regional system in the environmental field and in favor of the territories affected by earthquakes.

juli, 2017

This Law determines several provisions and measures, that also implementing and amending certain regional Laws, aimed at adapting the Emilia-Romagna regional legislative rules as regards the environmental field and introduction of measures in favor of territories that are or were affected by earthquakes (territories hit by earthquakes in 2012 and 2016).This text, as regards the environmental field, transposes the provisions of certain state Laws and Regulations related to the environment and to the defense of soil and coast, in particular as regards forestation, the evaluation procedure for

The price of palm oil in Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
juli, 2017
Sierra Leone

A five and a half minute video demonstrating that from cookies and ice cream to soap and shampoo, every second product in supermarkets contains palm oil. New oil plantations grab land and destroy the environment in e.g. Sierra Leone. Demonstrates that there is also a fair and environmentally friendly alternative way.

Ley Nº 4/2017 - Ley del Suelo y de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Canarias.

juli, 2017

La presente Ley del Suelo y de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Canarias, tiene por objeto regular en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias: 1) El régimen jurídico general de los recursos naturales, en particular del suelo, la ordenación del territorio y la ordenación urbanística; 2) La coordinación de las políticas públicas relativas a la planificación y gestión del territorio y a la protección del medioambiente; 3) La intervención en las actividades públicas y privadas con incidencia relevante sobre el territorio y los recursos naturales; 4) La protección de la legalidad urba

Law No. XIII-617 amending Law No. I-301 on protected areas.

juli, 2017

Article 31 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In strict state reserves, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational principal designation of land use. In reserves, state parks, strict biosphere reserves and biosphere grounds, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational and forest farming principal designation of land use, as well as to convert forest land to land used for other designations, except for transfer of land for the protection of state border and for national defense purpose”.

Amends: Law No. I-301 on protected areas. (2015-09-01)

Law No. XIII-616 amending Forest Law No. IX-240.

juli, 2017

Article 11 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of forest land into other categories of land shall be prohibited in the following cases: (a) Group I forests; (b) Group II - protection of ecosystems in forests, except in specified cases; (c) in groups III - in forests of protected areas and in protected areas of state reserves, except for specific cases; (d) in other forests located one kilometer from the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Spit, in recreational forests of Group II and in protected areas, field protection and national park protection zones of Group III except for

Resolución Nº 1.182 - Fija las determinantes ambientales para la formulación, revisión y ajuste de los planes, Planes Básicos y Esquema de Ordenamiento Territorial Municipal de los municipios pertenecientes a las ecorregiones de CARDIQUE.

juli, 2017

La presente Resolución expide los determinantes ambientales para la formulación, revisión y ajuste de los Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT), Planes Básicos y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial del Distrito Turístico y Cultural de Cartagena de Indias y de los municipios pertenecientes a las ecorregiones de la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Canal del Dique (CARDIQE).

Do Community-Managed Forests Work? A Biodiversity Perspective

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2017

Community-managed reserves (CMRs) comprise the fastest-growing category of protected areas throughout the tropics. CMRs represent a compromise between advocates of nature conservation and advocates of human development. We ask whether CMRs succeed in achieving the goals of either. A fixed reserve area can produce only a finite resource supply, whereas human populations exploiting them tend to expand rapidly while adopting high-impact technologies to satisfy rising aspirations. Intentions behind the establishment of CMRs may be admirable, but represent an ideal rarely achieved.

Analysis of Urban Green Spaces Based on Sentinel-2A: Case Studies from Slovakia

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2017

Urban expansion and its ecological footprint increases globally at an unprecedented scale and consequently, the importance of urban greenery assessment grows. The diversity and quality of urban green spaces (UGS) and human well-being are tightly linked, and UGS provide a wide range of ecosystem services (e.g., urban heat mitigation, stormwater infiltration, food security, physical recreation).

Historical Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Change in Response to Shifting Management Objectives on the Middle Rio Grande

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2017

Riparian ecosystems are valuable to the ecological and human communities that depend on them. Over the past century, they have been subject to shifting management practices to maximize human use and ecosystem services, creating a complex relationship between water policy, management, and the natural ecosystem. This has necessitated research on the spatial and temporal dynamics of riparian vegetation change. The San Acacia Reach of the Middle Rio Grande has experienced multiple management and river flow fluctuations, resulting in threats to its riparian and aquatic ecosystems.