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Restoring Degraded Rangelands in Jordan: Optimizing Mechanized Micro Water Harvesting using Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM)

Conference Papers & Reports
mei, 2017
Western Asia

Jordan’s rangelands, the so called Badia, home of the Bedouins, are threatened through a combination of
over-exploitation of the ecosystem services and a changing climate towards drier seasons and highly
erratic rainfalls. In the recent decades, the once productive grazing lands transformed into sparsely
vegetated and crusted desert grounds not capable of retaining the sporadic rainwater within the landscape
- and consequentialsurface runoff inevitably acceleratessoil erosion and gullying. To counter-measure the

Negotiating Mozambique’s new commodity frontiers from the perspective of a conservationist

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2017

[C]onservation is not a priority….. they [Frelimo] want economic growth at any point. So if they find …… coal and gas and other minerals it doesn’t matter where they are found, their priority is to develop those industries and I think they will worry about ecosystems ……. as an afterthought. Right now their main focus is growth, economic growth. (Interview with government official, discussing the governing party’s view of conservation in the context of a resources boom, 14 May 2014).

Improving Quality of Land Administration in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
mei, 2017
Sri Lanka

Land administration in Sri Lanka is institutionally and functionally fragmented and geographically incomplete. The current situation is an impediment to spatial planning and land and natural resources management with direct impact to economic growth and social development. Sri Lanka should embark to an orchestrated and incremental improvement of policies, institutional arrangements and technical solutions to improve clarity, ownership and sustainability of the land administration system and services.

The EU’s ecological focus areas – How experts explain farmers’ choices in Germany

Peer-reviewed publication
mei, 2017

Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) have recently been introduced as key element in the greening of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. In 2015, farmers across the EU have implemented EFAs for the first time. Data for German federal states indicate a strong variance in EFA decisions with an overall dominance of catch crops, nitrogen fixing crops and fallow land – two of which bear limited benefits for biodiversity conservation. This article explores how experts explain EFA choices.

Liberian Code of Forest Harvesting Practices of 2017.

mei, 2017

This Code of Forest Harvesting Practices seeks to provide a set of guidelines to forest operators for carrying out sustainable and improved harvesting operations. It applies to all harvesting operations within Liberia’s natural forests. It includes among other things, social environmental and social performance requirements for timber logging and post-harvesting activities.

An assessment of the role of social capital in collaborative environmental governance in tribal communities: the study of Gumbi and Zondi communities in KwaZulu Natal province, South Africa

Reports & Research
mei, 2017
South Africa

Political transformations in most developing nations have been accompanied by vast land claims by indigenous communities who were forcibly detached from their traditional land during colonisation and apartheid-like dispensations. In the context of sub-Saharan African countries (including South Africa), the need for land reform has been aggravated by the great scarcity of farmland. However, most of the reclaimed land is in areas pursuing conservation activities.

Resolución Nº 130 - Adopta la Metodología de la focalización territorial para la planificación y gestión territorial por barrido predial masivo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras.

mei, 2017

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto adoptar la Metodología para realizar la focalización territorial para la ejecución de la política pública de ordenamiento social de la propiedad rural en la modalidad de barrido predial, y para la definición de las zonas de asignación del Subsidio Integral de Reforma Agraria (SIRA).

Decreto Ley Nº 890 - Disposiciones para la formulación del Plan Nacional de Construcción y Mejoramiento de Vivienda Social Rural.

mei, 2017

El presente Decreto Ley expide disposiciones para la formulación del Plan Nacional de Construcción y Mejoramiento de Vivienda Social Rural, que será formulado por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural.

Resolución Nº 129 - Adopta los Lineamientos para la planificación y gestión territorial por barrido predial masivo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras.

mei, 2017

La presente Resolución adopta los Lineamientos para la Elaboración, Aprobación y Ejecución de los Planes de Ordenamiento Social de la Propiedad Rural (POSPR), que hacen parte de la política pública de ordenamiento social de la propiedad y guardarán armonía con la política de ordenamiento productivo y social de la propiedad rural.

Resolución Nº 128 - Adopta las Bases para la Gestión del Territorio para usos agropecuarios y los Lineamientos de su estrategia de planificación sectorial agropecuaria.

mei, 2017

La presente Resolución adopta las Bases para la Gestión del territorio para usos agropecuarios y y los Lineamientos de su estrategia de planificación sectorial agropecuaria, elaborados por la Unidad de Planificación de Tierras Rurales, Adecuación de Tierras y Usos Agropecuarios (UPRA), que contiene los lineamientos conceptuales, estratégicos, instrumentalización y gestión, básicos para la formulación de la política de gestión del territorio para usos agropecuarios.

National Framework on Marine Spatial Planning in South Africa.

National Policies
mei, 2017
South Africa

This Notice of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, publishes the South Africa’s Marine Spatial Planning Framework for implementation.The Framework provides high-level direction for undertaking Marine Spatial Planning in the context of the South African legislation and policies as well as existing planning regimes. It describes the process for the preparation of Marine Area plans and their implementation, in order to ensure consistency in Marine Spatial Planning across the South African ocean space.