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Ley Nº 30557 - Ley que declara de interés nacional y necesidad pública de la construcción de defensas ribereñas y servidumbres hidráulicas.

mei, 2017

La presente Ley declara de interés nacional y necesidad pública la construcción de defensas ribereñas y servidumbres hidráulicas, bajo el enfoque de planificación nacional y de integración del ordenamiento territorial de las cuencas hidrográficas del territorio nacional, teniendo como base los criterios de sostenibilidad, prevención y adaptación al cambio climático; con la finalidad de proteger a los pobladores de las inundaciones y desbordes provocados por la crecida de los ríos.

Historia del cambio climático o calentamiento global

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2017

El Calentamiento Global, también llamado Cambio Climático, ha generado un gran impacto en la opinión pública. Nos estamos volviendo concientes que el accionar humano afecta el planeta en que vivimos. Indudablemente hay un sinnúmero de impactos producidos en el ecosistema tales como la tala de bosques, la pérdida de flora nativa y el efecto que esto tiene sobre la fauna, la caza indiscriminada, la contaminación del agua y el suelo, entre otros.

Arrêté du 3 mai 2017 relatif aux actions des programmes régionaux « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des services communs « Valorisation du bois et territoire » des chambres régionales d'agriculture.

mei, 2017

Le présent arrêté détermine les actions des programmes régionaux «Valorisation du bois et territoire» des services communs «Valorisation du bois et territoire» des chambres régionales d'agriculture.Le programme régional pluriannuel « Valorisation du bois et territoire » mentionné à l'article D.

Law No. XIII-337 amending Law No. I-301 on protected areas.

mei, 2017

Article 28 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Economic assessment shall be made, land-use planning (boundaries and management plans) for new state reserves, biosphere reserves and national parks, establishment of boundary plans for state and municipal reserves and biosphere reserves, providing for compensation for the necessary discontinuance (if necessary), land redemption (purchase in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of Lithuania or the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Procurement of Water, Energy, Transport, or Postal Services by Contracting E

Despacho n.º 3989/2017

Legislation & Policies
april, 2017

A Lei n.º 62/2012, de 10 de dezembro, criou a bolsa nacional de terras para utilização agrícola, florestal ou silvopastoril, nos termos da qual a Direção -Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR) exerce as funções de entidade gestora da referida bolsa. A Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 24/2014, de 20 de março criou o grupo de acompanhamento da bolsa de terras, integrado, nomeadamente, por representantes das direções regionais de agricultura e pescas e das GeOp.

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

Reports & Research
april, 2017

London Mining Network is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups working in support of communities around the world who are badly affected by mining companies based in, or financed from, London.

One such company is Antofagasta plc, one of the larger mining companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The majority of its operations are in Chile. The most significant shareholders in Antofagasta are members of the Luksic family, a wealthy Chilean family which is also involved in a number of other businesses.

Estratégia de produção camponesa em Moçambique estudo de caso no sul do Save

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2017

Este estudo tem por objectivo analisar as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores no Sul do Save, em Moçambique. A análise assenta na recolha de dados primários obtidos a partir da administração, em 2015, de 1200 questionários junto da população alvo, no âmbito de um projecto de investigação em curso no Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR) em Moçambique. A reflexão aqui apresentada inspira-se nos contributos das principais correntes teóricas e estudos empíricos relacionados com as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores.

Environmental Annual Report 2016-17

Reports & Research
Legislation & Policies
Other legal document
april, 2017

This Environmental Annual report 2016-17 is prepared by The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India.

This Report contains activities and achievements of planning, promotion, co-ordination and overseeing the implementation of India's environmental and forestry policies and programmes in yearly basis.

The areas that this report deals are as follows: 

·         Natural Resources- Surveys and explorations by different departments under the ministry

·         Environmental Impact Assessments

Understanding changing land access issues for the rural poor in Uganda

Reports & Research
april, 2017

The ways in which people obtain land in Uganda are changing fast. Land that used to be secured through inheritance, gifts or proof of long-term occupancy is now more commonly changing hands in the market. Those with wealth and powerful connections are frequently able to override local rules and gain access to land at the expense of poorer individuals. Government-backed agribusiness investors receive large areas of land with benefits for some local farmers who are able to participate in the schemes, while other smallholders see their land access and livelihoods degraded.

Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable practices: Reseeding: a practical and costeffective technique that enhances ecological sustainability while strengthening system resilience

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2017

The problem of rangeland degradation can be reversed through revegetation, for example through inclusion of various locally adapted native species in the reseeding. Reseeding is the process by which rangelands are rehabilitated and it has two purposes; to ‘repair’ the degenerated rangeland system, and to increase the forage available for grazing animals. It involves sowing seeds directly into their final growing position, and is applied on rangelands with an advanced degree of degradation, low plant density or poor productivity levels.

Global Geo-informatics Options by Context (GeOC) Tool for Supporting Better Targeting and Scaling-out of Sustainable Land Management: Designing the System and Use Cases

Conference Papers & Reports
april, 2017

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) are required to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). SLM options are fitted to the social, economic and ecological contexts. The high contextual diversity of drylands in particular prevents the design and application of “uniform blanket” policies to promote SLM over large scales where significant impact is expected.