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Small-scale land acquisitions, large-scale implications: Exploring the case of Chinese banana investments in Northern Laos

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

The scholarly debate around ‘global land grabbing’ is advancing theoretically, methodologically and empirically. This study contributes to these ongoing efforts by investigating a set of ‘small-scale land acquisitions’ in the context of a recent boom in banana plantation investments in Luang Namtha Province, Laos. In relation to the actors, scales and processes involved, the banana acquisitions differ from the state-granted large-scale land acquisitions dominating the literature on ‘land grabbing’ in Laos.

Mapping properties to monitor forests: Landholder response to a large environmental registration program in the Brazilian Amazon

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

Across the tropics, development banks and conservation donors are investing millions in property mapping and registration projects to improve accountability for deforestation. An evaluation of the effectiveness and accuracy of existing environmental registries is crucial to assure the success of future efforts. This study presents an evaluation of deforestation and registration behavior in response to one of the largest of these property registration programs to date — the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) in the Amazonian state of Pará.

A comparison of influences on the landscape of two social-ecological systems

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

Case studies of social-ecological landscapes that consider local, spatially explicit land cover changes are necessary for the development of generalised knowledge on deforestation. This study focussed on two indigenous territories of eastern Panama that share the same settlement history, size and location but are perceived by local dwellers to differ in terms of land cover.

Who are forest-dependent people? A taxo nomy to aid livelihood and land use decision-making in forested regions

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

The relationship between forests and people is of substantial interest to peoples and agencies that govern and use them, private sector actors that seek to manage and profit from them, NGOs who support and implement conservation and development projects, and researchers who study these relationships and others. The term ⿿forest-dependent people⿿ is widely used to describe human populations that gain some form of benefits from forests.

Spatial information in European agricultural data management. Requirements and interoperability supported by a domain model

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

Data compatibility and system interoperability are fundamental for crosswalks and collaboration between domains. The most frequently used references for information sharing are time and location. In order to understand the requirements, fundamental processes, and core information concepts of a domain, a comprehensive, but standardised documentation is needed. In spatial data infrastructures models presented in Unified Modelling Language (UML) are widely used to facilitate the uptake of standards and valorise best practices of various communities.

Fine-grained detection of land use and water table changes on organic soils over the period 1992⿿2012 using multiple data sources in the Drömling nature park, Germany

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2016

The construction of consistent time series of land use presents a key challenge when accounting for elective land use-based activities under the Kyoto Protocol (wetland drainage and rewetting (WDR), cropland management (CM) and grazing land management (GM)), in which current land use-driven greenhouse gas emissions are compared to a reference situation in 1990. This case study is the first to demonstrate the feasibility of using high-resolution land-use proxies from different datasets for Kyoto accounting in a data-rich case study region in Germany.

Resolución Nº 453-2016-MC ─ Plan de Protección para los Pueblos Indígenas en Situación de Aislamiento y en Situación de Contacto Inicial (PIACI) de la Reserva Indígena Murunahua 2017 - 2021.

november, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Plan de Protección para los Pueblos Indígenas en Situación de Aislamiento y en Situación de Contacto Inicial (PIACI) de la Reserva Indígena Murunahua 2017 - 2021, dado que los pueblos indígenas en situación de aislamiento o en situación de contacto inicial se caracterizan por su alta vulnerabilidad inmunológica, demográfica y cultural, y tienen una estrecha relación de interdependencia con el ambiente y las tierras que involucran su territorio, necesitando extensas áreas para conservar su salud, formas de vida, identidad cultural y su integridad como c

Regional Law No. 76-RZ “On village chiefs”.

november, 2016

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for the operation of village chiefs as a form of public participation in local government. The scope of election of village chief shall be realization of decisions adopted by local government. Public official cannot be elected village chief. Village chiefs shall inform the population on decisions made by local government and shall inform local government of the outbreak of natural and technological disasters.

Ley General de Asentamientos Humanos, Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Urbano.

november, 2016

La presente Ley establece las normas básicas e instrumentos de gestión de observancia general, para ordenar el uso del territorio y los asentamientos humanos en el país, con pleno respeto a los derechos humanos, así como el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que tiene el Estado para promoverlos, respetarlos, protegerlos y garantizarlos plenamente. La Ley regula la concurrencia de la Federación, de las entidades federativas, los municipios y las Demarcaciones Territoriales para la planeación, ordenación y regulación de los asentamientos humanos en el territorio nacional.

Décret n° 2016-1595 du 24 novembre 2016 relatif à la phytopharmacovigilance et modifiant diverses autres dispositions du code rural et de la pêche maritime relatives à la protection des végétaux.

november, 2016

Le présent décret crée un dispositif de surveillance des effets indésirables des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur l'homme, les animaux d'élevage, les plantes cultivées, la biodiversité, la faune sauvage, l'eau et le sol, la qualité de l'air et les aliments, ainsi que sur l'apparition de résistances à ces produits, dénommé phytopharmacovigilance; il précise en particulier les modalités de désignation des organismes auxquels les informations sont adressées, les obligations qui leur incombent ainsi que les modalités de transmission de ces informations et leur contenu.Le décret complète égalem

Land Use Change, Carbon Sequestration and Poverty Alleviation

Reports & Research
november, 2016

Land use change is a key requirement for improving rural incomes and making a significant reduction in poverty levels globally. Over 70% of the world’s poor are located in rural areas, with land use as a major source of subsistence. Improving the productivity of their land use systems is essential for increasing incomes and food security among them. Land use change is also a relatively low cost and rapidly implementable means of climate change mitigation.

Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

november, 2016

The purpose of this Act is to maintain a healthy, productive and resilient environment for the greatest well-being of the community, now and into the future, consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development (described in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991), and in particular: a) to conserve biodiversity at bioregional and State scales; b) to maintain the diversity and quality of ecosystems and enhance their capacity to adapt to change and provide for the needs of future generations; c) to improve, share and use knowledge, includi