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The deforestation and the tragedy of the commons between VRAE coca farmers: 2001 – 2004

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016

Forests at the tropical Valley of the Apurimac and Ene rivers (VRAE), the second coca-growing region of Peru, are public common resources and nevertheless privately managed mainly by coca farmers, without effective State control of such use. The need for survival of the coca farmers, their chrematistic perception of the forest, the cultivation of cocoa (theobroma cacao) and land availability are crucial factors influencing the rates of deforestation of primary and secondary forest. Variables such as the legality of land tenure seem to have no influence.

Saving Soil for Sustainable Land Use

Reports & Research
november, 2016

Our work is regarding the analysis of land use changes, in the light of “saving soil” against the expansion due to unearned plus value of land: The loss of natural and agricultural surface in front of the expanding urban environment is a critical aspect of unsustainability of urban development, especially in the way it was carried out in the past decades.

La destrucción de los bosques y la desaparición del campesinado

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016

La causa última de los incendios de miles de hectáreas en Córdoba (producto, entre otras circunstancias, de una deficitaria ley provincial de bosques) y la exigencia social de una instancia plebiscitaria sobre la instalación de la planta de Monsanto en Malvinas Argentinas, ampliaron a toda la ciudadanía una discusión sobre el modelo productivo y sus consecuencia socio-ambientales que, sobre todo en Córdoba, tiene muchos años de lucha y muchos sujetos sociales en cuestión.

Regional Law No. 73-ZS amending Regional Law No. 60-ZS “On protected areas”.

november, 2016

Article 14 shall be amended to add the following wording: ““Proclamation of natural complexes and sites nature monuments and areas where they are located protected areas shall be performed by decision of Regional Government. In case of necessity the respective land arear and waterbodies can be expropriated for state need in accordance with the modalities envisaged by civil, land and water legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 60-ZS “On protected areas”. (2009-04-06)

Toward a Global Baseline of Carbon Storage in Collective Lands

Reports & Research
november, 2016

The study’s findings offer the most compelling quantitative evidence to date of the unparalleled role that forest peoples have to play in climate change mitigation, reinforcing the critical importance of collective tenure security for the sustainable use and protection of the world’s tropical forests and the carbon they sequester.

The FIG Christchurch Declaration - Responding to Climate Change and Tenure Insecurity in Small Island Developing States

Manuals & Guidelines
Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2016

This publication is the result of the workshop on “Responding to Climate Change and Tenure Insecurity in Small Island Developing States – The Role of Land Professionals” held in Christchurch, New Zealand 30 April – 1 May 2016 in connection with the FIG Working Week 2016. It includes a report of the seminar and a FIG Christchurch Declaration as the main outcome of the workshop.

They Spoke Truth to Power and Were Murdered in Cold Blood

Reports & Research
november, 2016

The present report highlights the situation of environmental human rights defenders (EHDRs). In this report, I want to raise alarm about the increasing and intensifying violence against them. I am extremely appalled by the number of killings and attacks and the lack of response from States in front of such situation. I want to make recommendations to various stakeholders in order to reverse this worrying trend and to empower and protect those defenders, for the sake of our common environment and sustainable development.

L’action de la FAO face au changement climatique

Reports & Research
oktober, 2016
Burkina Faso
Sri Lanka

Cette publication présente les messages clés de la FAO sur le changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire. Elle inclut des exemples du travail de la FAO pour aider les pays à s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique sur les secteurs agricoles. Elle rassemble les connaissances de la FAO sur le changement climatique les plus récentes, y compris les instruments et les méthodologies utilisés pour soutenir les engagements et les plans d’actions sur le changement climatique.

Soil salinization and sodification

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

The front of the postcard provides a short description on Soil salinization and sodification (definition, cause, key facts) while the back gives the worldwide conditions and trends by region. The data given here is derived from information published in the Status of the World's Soil Resources report, released in December 2015.

The Report and the Technical Summary are available at the links below:

La salinisation et la sodification du sol

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

Une série de 9 cartes s’intéressant aux menaces principales pesant sur les sols ont été préparées dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale sur les sols 2016. Elles offrent une brève description sur la salinisation et la sodification du sol (définition, causes, les principaux faits) et illustre les conditions dans le monde entier et les tendances par région. Les données utilisées pour leur préparation sont tirées des informations publiées dans l'État des ressources du sol le rapport du Monde, publié en Décembre à 2015.