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Turkmenistan Case Study Policy Brief

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016
Central Asia

Policy recommendations on sustainable land management in Turkmenistan, including the costs and beneifts of alternative options. Conclusiion: Rehabilitating pasturelands and undertaking sustainable land management in deserts across Turkmenistan brings both economic and environmental benefits

Response of tef row planting to sowing dates on the highland heavy clay soils: Reducing Land Degradation and Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Highland Dry Areas of North-Western Ethiopia

Reports & Research
oktober, 2016
Eastern Africa

Teff, Eragrostis tef /zucc./ Trotter is one of the most important cereal crops in Ethiopia that occupies (32%), the largest cultivated area under cereals and 26% of the whole area cultivated to annual field crops by covering about two million hectares of land annually. Tef is adapted to environments ranging from drought stress to water logged soil conditions. It can be grown at altitude ranging from sea level to 3000m above sea level, with the maximum production occurs between 1700 and 2400m.

Forest land conversion dynamics: a case of Pakistan

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016

The present research focuses on estimating forest area change with respect to the ongoing forest land conversion. The study tests the hypothesis that forest land is being converted to the selected land use categories with high growth tendency and controlling deforestation rate to its half of the present level would significantly improve the land cover under forest. The rate of forest land conversion to other land use categories is analyzed and then compared with the total area expanded under three land use classes.

Grassroots Facilitators as Agents of Change for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management: Lessons Learned from REDD+ Capacity Development in Asia

Reports & Research
oktober, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

This journal article discusses the importance of empowering grassroots community to facilitate the sharing of climate change and REDD+ related information, knowledge and policies discussed at the national, regional and global level to local stakeholders.

Taking context into account in urban agriculture governance: Case studies of Warsaw (Poland) and Ghent (Belgium)

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016

This article explores the role of local particularism in relation to the global interest in urban agriculture (UA). A growing movement is advocating UA, but future prospects are limited by variability, unclear expectations, vague responsibilities and leadership in the UA movement. We wonder whether the poor understanding of UA governance is associated with a public discourse and academic literature that too easily adopt the generic and universally claimed benefits.

Part-time amenity migrants: Revealing the importance of second homes for senior residents in a transit-oriented development

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016

Transit-oriented development (TOD) has been proposed as a model for sustainable urban and regional development beyond the troubled heritage of modernistic planning. Key to TOD is mixed use and reduced dependence on private cars. However, functionalistic land-use divides persist in the principles of TOD, such as the division between leisure and work and between permanent residences and second homes. These divides relate to, and are emphasised by, a strong focus on urban qualities within the TOD discourse, while discussions on landscape amenities are set aside.

Classification of farmland ownership fragmentation as a cause of land degradation: A review on typology, consequences, and remedies

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016
United States of America

Farmland ownership fragmentation is one of the important drivers of land-use changes. It is a process that in its extreme form can essentially limit land management sustainability. Based on a typology of land degradation and its causes, this process is here classified for the first time as an underlying cause which through tenure insecurity causes land degradation in five types (water erosion, wind erosion, soil compaction, reduction of organic matter, and nutrient depletion).

Land and Climate

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2016

Climate change can destabilize existing land and resource governance institutions and associated property rights across the spectrum of landscape types. Transformed climatic conditions, manifested in either rapid-onset or slow-onset ways, can change how land and natural resources are accessed and used as geographical shifts in resource productivity, resource scarcity, and therefore land use patterns occur [1].


Décret n° 2016-1464 du 28 octobre 2016 relatif aux opérations de protection de l'environnement dans les espaces ruraux.

oktober, 2016

Le décret présent adapte les dispositions relatives aux opérations de protection de l'environnement dans les espaces ruraux afin de tenir compte de la nouvelle réglementation européenne applicable à la programmation 2015/2020 de la politique agricole commune.Ce texte concerne personnes physiques ou morales exerçant une activité agricole.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters.

oktober, 2016

This Regulation makes several changes in the Regulation on the implementation of Law No. 6306 on restructuring of areas under risk of natural disasters. Two subparagraphs have been added under Paragraph 1 of the Article 4 regarding reporting as a result of field monitoring and documentation. In Article 5, amendments have been made regarding demolition of buildings which are under risk.

Earth's Crust Act (2016)

oktober, 2016

The Act regulates the Earth’s crust in Estonia. Its purpose is to ensure sustainable and economically efficient use of the earth's crust and to reduce environmental nuisances arising thereby to the greatest extent possible.

Arrêté n°2016-3715/MEADD-SG du 17 octobre 2016 portant création, attribution, composition et modalités de fonctionnement du Comité de Pilotage de Projet des Ressources Naturelles et Chargements Climatiques.

oktober, 2016

Le présent arrêté crée auprès du ministère chargé de l’Environnement un Comité de Pilotage du Projet de Gestion de Ressources Naturelles et Changement Climatiques du Mali.Le Comité de Pilotage du Projet de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Changements Climatiques au Mali a pour attributions de: veiller à la mise en œuvre effective des orientations stratégiques et politiques du projet; veiller à la cohérence d’ensemble tant des actions du projet entre elles que celles du projet avec les autres projets du secteur de l’environnement; veiller à l’implication effective de toutes les parties p