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Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-2019.

National Policies
december, 2015

The Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) is a strategic document with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2016-2019. Flowing from the Horizon 2030 vision, this strategic plan now charts the path to a better quality of life for all Belizeans, living now and in the future. It places at the fore sustainable development, reflecting a whole-system approach, and acknowledging increasing prosperity, eradicating poverty, improving social cohesion, caring for our natural resources, and securing peace and justice for all Belizeans as inter-connected goals.

National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025.

National Policies
december, 2015

The National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025 is a sectoral policy aiming at achieving in ten years in the agricultural field the following results, together with economic, social and environmental consequences: (i) high agricultural productivity; (ii) efficiency in the use of irrigation water; (iii) high use of technology; (iv) high partnership between public and private sectors; (v) competitive agricultural marketing linking production to demand in the internal and external markets; (vi) national quality and accreditation systems internationally recognized; (vii) agricultur

Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF COTE D’IVOIRE)

National Policies
december, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

La vision globale du Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF) est de : restaurer la productivité des ressources forestières et de les gérer de manière durable ; créer des incitations ; sécuriser le régime foncier et les droits d'accès aux terres en vue de créer un environnement propice à la transformation ; et mettre en œuvre l’agriculture zéro déforestation pour réduire la pression sur les forêts et améliorer les moyens de subsistance.Pour la réalisation de cette vision, quatre (4) objectifs spécifiques ont été identifiés, notamment: Restaurer, protéger et surveiller les forêts naturelles dan

Guidance document for the Development Plan 2016 – 2020.

National Policies
december, 2015

The Guidance document for the Development Plan 2016 – 2020 is the result of the first of three phases aiming at the management of economic and social transformation consequent to the new political climate in Tunisia and indicates the development goals and strategies for the next five years, starting from an objective perspective on the development reality of the country.


National Policies
december, 2015
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Suite aux recommandations formulées dans le cadre de la Convention sur la Diversité biologique, notamment les objectifs d’Aichi, la République Démocratique du Congo a élaboré sa nouvelle stratégie nationale de la biodiversité (SPANB) couvrant la période 2016-2020 et remplace la stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité de 2002.

EAD (Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi) Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020.

National Policies
december, 2015
United Arab Emirates

The EAD Strategic Plan is a nation-wide document aiming at preserving and protecting the environment, promoting the health and well-being of local communities, while stimulating and mapping sustainable economic growth for the next five years. It defines a long-term Vision - A Sustainable Environment for a Sustainable Future - and Mission - To protect and conserve the environment for people’s well-being and a better life for all-, 5-year priorities, objectives, as well as the strategic initiatives.

Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2015
Eastern Africa
Western Africa

The present document is a brief technical report highlighting activities relating to the options by context approach. The IFAD- funded project, “Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the
Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale” was launched in March 2015 and runs until March 2018. The project
action countries include: Niger, Mali, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya. This report will focus on activities carried out in the first

Land in German Development Cooperation

Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2015

The publication offers an overview of different aspects of the highly complex field of land policy and land  management providing the reader a number of principles, concrete tools and examples for dealing with land related problems in the German Development Coorperation.

Ensuring Women’s Participation in Forest Decision-Making: Annual report 2015-2016

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Community forestry – as promoted by RECOFTC – provides an effective and cross-cutting solution that is aligned with the SDGs. This includes SDG goal 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. RECOFTC has long understood that the long-term viability of community forest management is dependent on the inclusion of women. RECOFTC works to ensure that policies and programs of forestry stakeholders mainstream gender dimensions so that they are not at risk of creating or exacerbating inequalities, and ignoring women’s contribution to livelihoods.

The Role of Community Forestry in Climate Change Adaptation in the ASEAN Region

Reports & Research
december, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

This paper summarizes key discussions from the 1st ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) Learning Group workshop organized by RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests in August 2015. The discussions highlight a number of ways community forestry (CF) can support local communities in adapting to climate change.

Effect of Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions on erosion and soil organic carbon balance: A national case study

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2015
United States of America

Since, the Common Agricultural Policies (CAP) reform in 2003, many efforts have been made at the European level to promote a more environmentally friendly agriculture. In order to oblige farmers to manage their land sustainably, the GAEC (Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions) were introduced as part of the Cross Compliance mechanism. Among the standards indicated, the protection of soils against erosion and the maintenance of soil organic matter and soil structure were two pillars to protect and enhance the soil quality and functions.