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Land-use/land cover changes and their driving forces around wetlands in Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

The Shangri-La County of the Yunnan Province, SW China, is an economically and ecologically important area. This is especially true for Jiantang that is famous for the Napahai, Bitahai and Shudu Lake wetlands. However, continuing development has threatened the wetland ecosystems and the associated biodiversity in these areas. To better document such changes in land use and their effect on the ecosystem, land use was mapped using a time series of satellite images acquired in 1974, 1993, 2000 and 2012. The results of this survey suggest that forest cover first decreased and then increased.

22 year assessment of deforestation and restoration in riparian forests in the eastern Brazilian Amazon

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Brazilian environmental law imposes more restrictions on land-use change by private landowners in riparian forests than in non-riparian forest areas, reflecting recognition of their importance for the conservation of biodiversity and key ecosystem services. A 22-year time series of classified Landsat images was used to evaluate deforestation and forest regeneration in riparian permanent preservation areas over the past two decades, focusing on the municipality of Paragominas in the state of Pará in eastern Amazonia.

Shift in herders’ territorialities from regional to local scale: the political ecology of pastoral herding in western Burkina Faso

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015
Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, livestock sedentarization programmes are still at the top of policy makers’ agendas and at the heart of their discourse, despite huge changes in land cover, land use and territorialities in rural areas. This paper contributes to the literature on the impact of livestock policies targeting the sedentarization of pastoralism in sub-Saharan Africa by specifically highlighting the territorial consequences of such policies.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2015
Eastern Asia

This report focuses on areas with highest potential efficiency gains to increase the value for money from investments in core public goods and services such as extension, irrigation and rural roads. This is a first attempt to carry out such an analysis in Cambodia, and even in the Greater Mekong sub-region. Based on extensive data gathering and surveys, this chapter analyzes the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural sector expenditures in Cambodia and assesses various options for increasing the impact of government expenditures on agricultural growth.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean

This note aims to provide information and analysis as a basis for a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of achieving gender equality in Bolivia, with a special focus on the intersectionality between gender and ethnicity. Combining and analyzing existing evidence and new data, it seeks to document gender-specific disparities in development outcomes, highlight opportunities and constraints to women’s empowerment, and identify areas in which continuing knowledge gaps are particularly important to understand and address gender inequalities.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015
Central Asia

This report is about Energy sector in Romania which is responsible for 58 percent of the country’s GHG emissions (except Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)), and is therefore critical for mitigation. Romania’s economic growth and energy consumption have been decoupling since the early 1990s, and the energy intensity of the economy has been continuously decreasing, but it is still high. At present, Romanian energy supply system is relatively carbon intensive, but share of zero-carbon energy sources is growing.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015
Central Asia

This report is about Romanis's Green growth benchmarking, which is a country-level diagnostic that helps define a country’s strengths and vulnerabilities in adopting a path to greener growth. The process of defining a country’s green growth path starts with an analysis aimed at mapping the country’s current position on a multi-dimensional green-growth chart, with each dimension defined by an indicator of green growth.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015
Central Asia

This report is about forests that provide a substantial contribution to mitigation in Romania by sequestering carbon, helping to counter carbon emissions from other sectors in the economy. Sustainable forest management is challenged by fragmented ownership and insufficient financial resources in particular. A summary of key existing analytic studies, and the construction of a marginal abatement cost curve for mitigation actions in the forestry sector, was the basis for identifying key adaptation and mitigation measures for Romania’s forests.

Transport at COP21

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015

The case for climate action has never been stronger. Around the world, climate change is putting at risk the lives of millions of people as well as threatening many coastal cities and endangering trillion of dollars of investments in transport infrastructure and services. The Twenty-First Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will bring heads of state and ministers to Paris at the end of November to reach a global climate agreement with far-reaching implications for low-carbon and climate-resilient growth.

Current trends of rubber plantation expansion may threaten biodiversity and livelihoods

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

The first decade of the new millennium saw a boom in rubber prices. This led to rapid and widespread land conversion to monoculture rubber plantations in continental SE Asia, where natural rubber production has increased >50% since 2000. Here, we analyze the subsequent spread of rubber between 2005 and 2010 in combination with environmental data and reports on rubber plantation performance. We show that rubber has been planted into increasingly sub-optimal environments. Currently, 72% of plantation area is in environmentally marginal zones where reduced yields are likely.

Designing for value: Structuring voluntary certification programs to increase stakeholder acceptance

Reports & Research
december, 2015
South-Eastern Asia
South America

Voluntary certification programs are one type of intervention used to incentivize the commodity agricultural sector in tropical forest landscapes to reduce deforestation and improve sustainability. These programs encourage supply-chain actors to produce and source products according to agreed standards. We review the cases of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) voluntary certification program in Indonesia, and the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) voluntary certification program for cattle in Brazil.

Effects of salinity and drought on early seedling growth and survival of Artemisia herba-alba

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Seedlings of Artemisia herba-alba grown in glasshouse were watered with differing salinities (0, 150, 250 or 350 mM NaCl) and watering frequencies of 3, 7, 14 or 21 days for a period of 6 weeks. At the end of the study, plant survival, dry matter yield, biomass allocation (shoot and root), leaf area, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area ratio (LAR) were recorded. When watered with 0 mM NaCl, Artemisia herba-alba plants had similar (P> 0.9) final dry matter weight and 100% survival regardless of watering frequency.