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Forest and Forest Land Valuation: How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
United States of America

New Zealand has introduced legislation to implement the world's first 'all sectors all gases' emissions trading scheme (ETS) as a way of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Scheme is to retrospectively introduce a price for carbon emissions in forestry from 1 January 2008 and will phase in other sectors over time (notably agriculture from 2013). This report develops a methodology for valuing the impact of this change on forest and forest land value.

Land Use Change and Ecosystem Valuation in North Georgia

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
United Kingdom
United States of America

A model of land allocation at the aggregate watershed level was developed assuming profit/net benefit maximization under risk neutrality. The econometric land use model was analyzed as an equation by equation SURE model as all the independent variables were the same for both equations. In analyzing effect of land use change on water quality, we took year 2005 as our baseline and postulated three land use scenarios.

Forest and Forest Land Valuation - How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits

Reports & Research
maart, 2015
United States of America

Presentation by Richard Meade to the AARES 53rd Annual Conference held 10-13 February 2009 in Cairns Australia.Forest and Forest Land Valuation - How to Value Forests and Forest Land to Include Carbon Costs and Benefits. forest, forest land valuation, carbon costs,

Potential legume alternatives to fallow and wheat monoculture for Mediterranean environments

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2015
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

Growing populations and intensification of land-use in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) are prompting
a need for viable alternatives to fallow and cereal mono-cropping systems common in dry areas of this region. The
sustainability and economic viability of such rotations can only be assessed accurately by using long-term trials.Atwo-course
rotation experiment was established in 1986 in north-eastern Syria, comparing yields and profitability of wheat (Triticum

Ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña: una propuesta a partir del estudio de los impactos del pastoreo en el Parque Nacional Huascarán

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2015

Environmental  ordering is a process  that promotes  adequate  land  use  through regulation, planning and management of the elements of a specific environment. Nevertheless, the process of environmental ordering has been assumed as static, considering only physical aspects in the analysis of environmental problems.

Decision No. 269/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Giang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030.

maart, 2015

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Giang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 with the following principal contents: The master plan must be in line with the national socio-economic development strategy for the 2011-2020 period, the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous regions and the master plan on the capital region, and compatible with sectoral master plans.

Nature as a commodity, or: Does nature have a value?

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

Is it right to attach financial values to nature and to incorporate that valuation into the post-2015 agenda? Will such valuation help to protect species diversity and ecosystems? Or does it not rather harbour the risk that we cheerfully go on destroying nature since other aspects of the national accounts can be seen as compensation? Civil society is split on this issue. Our author points out why.

Climate change, environment and migration in the Sahel

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

In the debate on climate change, it is frequently argued that the number of “climate refugees” is going to grow world-wide. So far, however, only little evidence has been provided of links between climate change, environmental changes and migration. The transdisciplinary research project “micle”– migration, climate & environment – has examined this link in selected areas of the Sahel zone.

Handbook on Land Laws

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
februari, 2015

The Land Act, 2012

The Land Registration Act, 2012

The National Land Commission Act, 2012

The Environment & Land Court Act, 2011

The Urban Areas & Cities Act, 2011

Land Use in Kenya; The case for a national land-use policy

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2015

This book exposes the key land use and environmental problems facing Kenya today due to lack of an appropriate national land use policy. The publication details how the air is increasingly being polluted, the water systems are diminishing in quantity and deteriorating in quality. The desertification process threatens the land and its cover. The soils are being eroded leading to siltation of the ocean and lakes. The forests are being depleted with impunity thus destroying the water catchments.

The Impact of Land Use on the 3D Structure of Vegetation and Soils in a Cold Desert Ecosystem in Jordan

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2015
Western Asia

The University of Tennessee’s Dept. of Geography in collaboration with ICARDA, ILRI, USDA-ARS, and Cornell University’s Dept. of Natural Resources collected TLS data in the cold desert shrub-steppe ecosystem of the East Bank Plateau of Amman, Jordan and in mixed Acacia-Commiphora woodlands of Borana Plateau in southern Ethiopia. ICARDA and ILRI maintain these research sites and conduct field studies in Jordan and Ethiopia, respectively. The study plots are the size of a Landsat pixel (30-m X 30-m) to link local scale TLS to regional scale satellite imagery.