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What Limits Agricultural Intensification in Cambodia? The Role of Emigration, Agricultural Extension Services and Credit Constraints

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2011

This paper attempts to define the factors which determine emigration and rice doublecropping, i.e. rice cultivation on the same plot twice per year, by rural households in Cambodia, and investigates whether these decisions influence each other using data from a two-period panel survey of 231 households in three provinces in rural Cambodia. In the analysis, we take into account possible correlation between these decisions (through estimating a seemingly unrelated bivariate probit model) and unobserved heterogeneity among farmers (through estimating a random-effects probit model).

An agent-based model of agricultural innovation, land-cover change and household inequality: the transition from swidden cultivation to rubber plantations in Laos PDR

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This article examines the transition from shifting cultivation to rubber production for a study area in northern Laos PDR using an agent-based model of land-cover change. A primary objective of the model was to assess changes in household-level inequality with the transition from shifting cultivation to rubber adoption. A secondary objective was to develop explanations for the rate of rubber adoption in the study area.

Competing claims on natural resources

Reports & Research
december, 2011

Land is serving as a basis for the production of food, feed, fibres, wood, bio-energy, for biodiversity, recreation and many other goods and services ecosystems provide. Additional to that, land can also be used for infrastructure, houses etc., making no direct use of natural resources, but of the physical land structure. While some resources and ecosystem services can be delivered simultaneously, others are mutually exclusive, and therefore tend to compete for land. Competing claims is a notion that different and/or excessive claims are made on land that may jeopardize its sustained use.

Bodem is belangrijk voor de hele maatschappij

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Zware machines verpesten de bodemstructuur in de akkerbouw. In de veehouderij komt bij gras scheuren een grote hoeveelheid nitraat vrij. Dit zijn maar twee voorbeelden van ongewenste effecten van maatregelen op onze bodem. En dat terwijl de maatschappij juist verwacht dat boeren hun bodem zó beheren, dat ze ook diensten voor de samenleving kunnen leveren en dat altijd kunnen blijven doen. Het is tijd voor een duurzamer bodembeheer.

Cambodia’s Agricultural Strategy: Future Development Options for the Rice Sector - A Policy Discussion Paper

Reports & Research
november, 2011

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This paper focuses on the role of the rice sector in Cambodian agriculture strategy. The paper first reviews the performance of the rice sector in Cambodian agriculture and rice-related government policies and interventions, and it then identifies potential and constraints for future development of the rice sector.

Advocating for Sustainable Development in Burma (Burmese မြန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
november, 2011

ဤနိုးဆော်မှုများသည် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံ၏ ရေရှည်တည်တံ့ခိုင်မြဲသော ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေး ကဏ္ဍများတွင်ပါ၀င်မည့် အဖွဲ့အစည်းများ၊ တသီးပုဂ္ဂလများအတွက် အချက်အလက်ရင်းမြစ်များပင် ဖြစ်သည်။ ဤအချက်အလက် ရင်းမြစ်များသည် ရေရှည်တည်တံ့ခိုင်မြဲသောဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးအယူအဆ၊ မြန်မာ အစိုးရ၏ တာဝန်ဝတ္တရားများနှင့် ဆောင်ရွက်ရန်ရှိသည့်အချက်အလက်များကိုဖော်ပြသည်။

Advocating for Sustainable Development in Burma (Shan)

Reports & Research
november, 2011

... This is a resource for organisations and individuals advocating about sustainable development issues in Burma. This resource provides information about the concept of sustainable development and about the government of Burma’s commitments and responsibilities when it comes to sustainable development. Sustainable development is development that does not damage the environment or the country’s natural resources, and that meets people’s needs, including the needs of the most vulnerable communities. Sustainable development relates to many aspects of the natural world and of people’s lives.

Smallholder Agriculture and Food Systems: Responding to the Challenge of Food Price Volatility

Reports & Research
oktober, 2011

In 2008, Ka Lita, a woman rice farmer in the Philippines, stood in a long line to buy rice that was being sold by the National Food Authority (NFA), the government’s rice trading agency. She had been standing under the hot sun for several hours, but she had no choice but to wait for her turn to buy rice from the NFA. The rice being sold by the government’s rice trading agency was the only rice that she could afford with her money.