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Re-encountering resistance: Plantation activism and smallholder production in Thailand and Sarawak, Malaysia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2004

The emergence of social and environmental movements against plantation forestry in Southeast Asia positions rural development against local displacement and environmental degradation. Multi-scaled NGO networks have been active in promoting the notion that rural people in Southeast Asia uniformly oppose plantation development. There are potential pitfalls in this heightened attention to resistance however, as it has often lapsed into essentialist notions of timeless indigenous agricultural practices, and unproblematic local allegiances to common property and conservation.

Duurzaam Bodemleven "Op goede gronden" : Composteren in de bloembollenteelt

Reports & Research
december, 2004

Ieder bedrijf produceert afval. Bij bloembollenbedrijven is een groot deel van het afval plantaardig, zoals pelafval, maaisel, stro. Dit afval kan afgevoerd worden. Dat heeft een uitstroom van nutriënten en organische stof van het bedrijf tot gevolg en brengt aanzienlijke kosten met zich mee. Het materiaal kan ook op het eigen bedrijf gecomposteerd worden. Hierdoor worden kosten van afvoer van het materiaal bespaard en kan het materiaal, na compostering, bijdragen aan de organische bemesting van de grond.

Estatuto da Cidade: função social da cidade e da propriedade. Alguns aspectos sobre população urbana e espaço

Reports & Research
augustus, 2004

Resumo Este texto apresenta os instrumentos contidos na Lei 10.257/01 Estatuto da Cidade. Aponta algumas contradições, conflitos, permanências, mudanças no Estatuto da Cidade em relação   questão fundiária urbana,  s atribuições da união, estados e municípios, planejamento urbano e participação social. Reflete sobre a ausência da dimensão espacial para a aplicação dos instrumentos nas áreas urbanas de mais de quatro mil municípios, regiões metropolitanas e aglomerações urbanas.

A Summary of Land Policy Principles drawn from the Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya (‘Njonjo Commission’), The Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC), Proceedings of the National Civil Society Conference on Land Reform an...

Reports & Research
april, 2004

Contains introduction; the goals and objectives of land policy; land sovereignty; land tenure classification; incidents of tenure; historical claims; tenure of land-based resources; productive and sustainable land use; the management and development of land; land rights delivery; demarcation and cadastral survey; land market regulation; land dispute resolution; appendix on national civil society land policy principles.

Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) 2004-2007.

National Policies
februari, 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

National Water Resources Policy for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

National Policies
december, 2003

This national Policy for the water sector in Cambodia sets out a vision, fundamental principles, current situation and policies regarding development and management of freshwater resources and water demand and supply in Cambodia. The Policy, however, also contains a Chapter on water-related hazards and one on the management of coastal and marine waters. It also states the importance of sanitation for all, addresses water pollution and international aspects of water.

Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2003

Land policies are of fundamental importance to sustainable growth, good governance, and the well-being of, and the economic opportunities open to, both rural and urban dwellers - particularly the poor. To this end, research on land policy, and analysis of interventions related to the subject, have long been of interest to the Bank's Research Department, and other academic, and civil society institutions.

Duurzaam bodemleven : literatuurstudie voor composteren bij bloembollenbedrijven

Reports & Research
december, 2003

Ieder bedrijf produceert afval. Bij bloembollenbedrijven is een groot deel van het afval plantaardig, zoals pelafval, maaisel, stro. Dit afval kan afgevoerd worden, wat een uitstroom van nutriënten en organische stof van het bedrijf tot gevolg heeft en aanzienlijke kosten met zich meebrengt. Het materiaal kan ook op het eigen bedrijf gecomposteerd worden. Sommige bedrijven met open teelt, met name in de bloembollensector, composteren het eigen organisch restmateriaal.

National Action Plan of the Republic of Tajikistan for Climate Change Mitigation.

National Policies
juni, 2003

This National Action Plan developed in 2003 by the Republic of Tajikistan is a national-wide policy aiming at implementing the commitments of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thus, the document indicates the priorities and measures to be undertaken to address the problem of climate change, to develop a capacity for further research and analysis of the climate system, its variability and change, to strengthen the international cooperation and joined efforts to mitigate climate change.