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World Bank: Ningxia Desertification Control and Ecological Protection Project, China

Reports & Research
december, 2017

Desertification in arid and semiarid areas of Northwest China is a major current environmental issue for the country, caused by the interaction of a naturally dry climate, recurrent periods of prolonged droughts, anthropogenic factors over long periods of time, and specific topographic and geographic conditions. Among the anthropogenic factors are poor land management, inadequate farming techniques and over-cultivation, overgrazing and the removal of natural vegetation; misuse of water resources; and poor environmental and ecosystem management.

River deltas: scaling up community-driven approaches to sustainable intensification

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2017

The residents of the Ganges and Mekong River deltas face serious challenges from rising sea levels, saltwater intrusion, pollution from upstream sources, growing populations, and infrastructure that no longer works as planned. In both deltas, scientists working for nearly two decades with communities, local governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have demonstrated the potential to overcome these challenges and substantially improve people’s livelihoods.

III Seminário Internacional de Governança de Terras e Desenvolvimento Econômico: Regularização Fundiária

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
É com enorme satisfação que apresentamos o resultado dos trabalhos do III SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE GOVERNANÇA DE TERRAS E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO: REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA, evento realizado entre os dias, 7, 8 e 9 de junho de 2017, no anfiteatro do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp.
Durante os 03 (três) dias de produtivas discussões, acadêmicos, especialistas e o público em geral tiveram a oportunidade de debater algumas das principais questões relativa à Regularização Fundiária, atuando como um instrumento que busca a otimização da gestão da

The impact of land property rights interventions on investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries: a systematic review

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

We conducted a systematic review on the effects of land tenure recognition interventions on agricultural productivity, income, investment and other relevant outcomes. We synthesise findings from 20 quantitative studies and nine qualitative studies that passed a methodological screening. The results indicate substantial productivity and income gains from land tenure recognition, although gains differ markedly by region. We find that these effects may operate through gains in perceived tenure security and investment; we find no evidence for a credit mechanism.

Livelihoods and Land Uses in Environmental Policy Approaches: The Case of PES and REDD+ in the Lam Dong Province of Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

This paper explores assumptions about the drivers of forest cover change in a Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) context in the Lam Dong Province in Vietnam. In policy discourses, deforestation is often linked to'poor' and 'ethnic minority' households and their unsustainable practices such as the expansion of coffee production (and other agricultural activities) into forest areas.

Untangling the proximate causes and underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2017

Political transitions often trigger substantial environmental changes. In particular, deforestation can result from the complex interplay among the components of a system—actors, institutions, and existing policies—adapting to new opportunities. A dynamic conceptual map of system components is particularly useful for systems in which multiple actors, each with different worldviews and motivations, may be simultaneously trying to alter different facets of the system, unaware of the impacts on other components.

Sphagnum farming from species selection to the production of growing media: A review

december, 2017

Sphagnum farming - the production of Sphagnum biomass on rewetted bogs - helps towards achieving global climate goals by halting greenhouse gas emissions from drained peat and by replacing peat with a renewable biomass alternative. Large-scale implementation of Sphagnum farming requires a wide range of know-how, from initial species selection up to the final production and use of Sphagnum biomass based growing media in horticulture. This article provides an overview of relevant knowledge accumulated over the last 15 years and identifies open questions.

Presidential Resolution No. PP-3405 “On State program for the development of irrigation and improvement of the ameliorative state of irrigated land for the period of 2018-2019”.

november, 2017

The President, in order to create favorable conditions for further sustainable agricultural development, unconditional provision of timely and high-quality implementation of a set of measures for the development of irrigation, improvement of reclamation state of irrigated lands and rational use of water and land resources, decrees to approve elaborated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre jointly with

Global Land Outlook

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2017

The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing: there is rapidly escalating competition between the demand for land functions that provide food, water, and energy, and those services that support and regulate all life cycles on Earth.

Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 1012 of 2017).

oktober, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations make provision for the selection, designation, registration and notification of sites to be protected under the Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. These Regulations also implement aspects of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. They make provision in respect of European sites for: (a) control of damaging operations caused by human activity; (b) special nature conservation orders and restoration orders; (c) byelaws of the appropriate nature conservation body; and (d) compulsory acquisition.

Climate Change: A Permanent Reality for Myanmar

Reports & Research
september, 2017

Reshmi Banerjee gives an overview of climate change-related risks for Myanmar...According to the 2016 Climate Risk Index, Myanmar is the second most vulnerable country in the world to the effects of climate change. The intensity and regularity with which cyclones make landfall have increased with every year, with the delta region affected by tropical storms and the dry zone impacted by debilitating droughts.