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Zambia’s chiefs champion gender equality in land and natural resource governance

augustus, 2021

With the pandemic striking higher in Uganda;poor families continue to be forced off their land by their government and investors despite several directives halting evictions during the COVID period. Cites a number of examples. In the latest looming evictions;the Uganda government is evicting more than 35,000 artisanal miners in the Kisita mines in Kassanda district.

Traditional leaders in Zambia shift gender norms and strengthen women’s land rights

juni, 2021

For many decades communities in West and Central Africa have been facing industrial oil palm plantations encroaching onto their community land. With the false promise of bringing ‘developmentand jobs;corporations;backed up by the support of the governments;have been granted millions of hectares of land under concessions for industrial oil palm plantations. The results of this expansion have been disastrous for communities living in and around these industrial plantations and in particular for women.

Land Portal Annual Report 2020

Reports & Research
mei, 2021

Long-term, sustainable and responsible ways to access and share data are fundamental to all efforts to support sustainable development and particularly salient to improving land governance and securing land rights for landless and vulnerable people. The COVID-19 pandemic has unequivocally demonstrated that the need for land rights has never been greater, as governments have shut down land administration systems and rolled back regulations protecting vulnerable communities.

Where Bottom-Up and Top-Down Meet: Challenges in Shaping Sustainable & Scalable Land Interventions

Conference Papers & Reports
mei, 2021
South Sudan
Burkina Faso

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support program for developing countries from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, which was launched in 2019. The aim of the program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale in lower- and middle-income countries/regions/landscapes. The program is designed to scale successful land governance initiatives and to generate and disseminate lessons learned to facilitate further scaling.

Implications of Paradigm Shift in Tourism Policy : An Evidence of Bhutan

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2021

The study intends to examine the impact of major changes in the tourism policy of Bhutan adopted in 2005 as a ‘Sustainable Tourism Development Policy’. A genuine effort was made to investigate the possible presence of a long-run relationship between tourism and economic growth using the Johansen method of cointegration and vector error correction mechanism. The international tourists' arrival and GDP per capita were used as proxies for tourism expansion and economic growth respectively.

Hoja de ruta para la formalización y titulación de predios de entidades de derecho público

Reports & Research
april, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe
América del Sur
La Hoja de Ruta para la formalización y titulación de predios de Entidades de Derecho Público (EDP), es una herramienta metodológica que surge como una iniciativa del Proyecto Gobernanza y Paz (GCP/GLO/347/MUL) de la FAO (Representación de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura).
Tiene el propósito de contribuir al fortalecimiento de las capacidades técnicas de las Entidades Territoriales y de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC), en materia de gobernanza de su territorio; en particular, en la regularización de l

New dawn as land register goes digital

maart, 2021

Responding to an invitation from the Cameroonian government to help design a new land legal framework;civil society stakeholders have issued multiple proposals over the years on the topics they think should be included in the new land law. The LandCam project has documented;analysed and consolidated these proposals. Building on these;the authors also developed a comprehensive and coherent vision for the new land system and have made concrete recommendations;cited in this Briefing;for Cameroonian policymakers.