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Proceeding Report of the 40th Anniversary of National Meteorological Agency, Official endorsement of the National Framework for Climate Services an International Scientific Conference

december, 2020

Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa within 3–15° N and 33–48° E, bordered by Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti to the east, Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, and Somalia to the south and east. It covers an area of about 1.14 million square kilometers. The country's topography consists of high and rugged plateaus and peripheral lowlands. Elevations in the country range from 160 meters below sea level (northern exit of the Rift Valley) to over 4600 meters above sea level (of northern mountainous regions).

Public food procurement as a game changer for food system transformation

december, 2020

In the last decade various countries, regions and cities from low-income to high-income economies have been developing Public Food Procurement (PFP) initiatives designed to use government purchasing power and regular demand for food as a policy instrument to promote sustainable development. These initiatives – often referred also as institutional food procurement - include school feeding or school meals programmes , as well as the purchase of food for public hospitals, prisons, universities, public building’s cafeterias, and other social programmes.

WLE/IWMI support for updated groundwater policies and implementation programs in Laos has led to new policies and investments for sustainable groundwater management

december, 2020

Since 2019, when WLE/IWMI reported on the impact of its research on groundwater knowledge generation and management in Laos, policies and investment programs have evolved that are benefitting groundwater-dependent communities. There is now greater recognition of the strategic importance of groundwater, and more emphasis placed on the systematic management of groundwater by responsible government agencies and in development projects.

The South Africa government invests in water resources, irrigation and infrastructure improvements and adopts policies for climate change resilience, supported by CGIAR and partners’ research

december, 2020
South Africa

Since 2013, the Government of South Africa, WLE/PIM/IFPRI and research partners have collaborated to assess the role of water infrastructure in adapting to potential climate change impacts. This has helped policymakers prioritize building resilience into infrastructure investments and implement climate sensitive development programs. The findings and recommendations of this research have been built into major policy and investment plans, including Operation Vulindlela, highlighted in the President’s 2022 State of the Nation Address as one of five key sectors.

(Re)constructing state power and livelihoods through the Laos-China railway project

december, 2020

This paper examines the governance and implementation of land compensation for the Laos-China Railway (LCR). It brings to light the central government’s strategy to use compensation rules and procedures as its means to extend its spatial power across the provinces, districts, and villages that are affected by the railway construction. We examine both the manifestations and effects of state power through the formulation and implementation of land compensation procedures.

Scenario guidance (narratives and national modelling) succesfully supports policy development in Lao PDR

december, 2020

The CCAFS Scenarios Project worked closely together with FAO (the SAMIS project and the Flexible Multi-Partner project) to support the government of Lao PDR (Ministry of Agriculture) in the use of scenario-based land use mapping for policy guidance, in a systemic manner focused on internal capacity for applying this scenario-based approach to multiple policies. The Lao PDR Agricultural Development Strategy 2021 to 2030 is being supported by this process.

Enabling change in forest tenure: Policy and law for gender equality. Training Handbook

december, 2020

The content of the handbook and its handouts are illustrative and can be tailored to different training requirements. For example, if the course is used for government staff or members of a non-governmental organization, the content and exercises can be adjusted to suit the knowledge background and interests of participants.

Scalar politics, power struggles and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake, Myanmar

december, 2020

This paper looks at scalar politics, power struggles, and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake in Karen state, Myanmar. It brings to light tensions between centralized and decentralized approaches in the country’s natural resource governance, and how these are manifested in the current legal stalemate with regard to the formal management status of the lake.

Strengthening Local Governance of Secondary Forest in Peru

december, 2020

Natural forest regrowth is critical for restoring ecosystem services in degraded landscapes and providing forest resources. Those who control tenure and access rights to these secondary forest areas determine who benefits from economically charged off-farm opportunities such as finance for forest restoration, selling carbon credits, and receiving payment for ecosystem services.