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Rural-rural Migration and Land Conflicts: Implications on Agricultural Productivity in Uganda

Reports & Research
april, 2016

We use community and household data with plot-level information to explore the determinants of different forms of land conflicts and the conflicts’ impact on agricultural productivity in Uganda. Tracing rural-rural migration patterns, we find that communities that receive/host more immigrants (and thus have many coexisting tribes) tend to have more land conflicts than those sending migrants out.

Street based self-employment : a poverty trap or a stepping stone for migrant youth in Africa?

Reports & Research
december, 2015

A significant percentage of youth in urban Africa is employed in the informal sector. The
informal sector is more accessible than the formal sector for people with low human and
financial capital, such as youth migrants from rural areas. But the sector is also generally

Land Rights and Rural-Urban Migration in China

Reports & Research
juni, 2015
United States of America

Collective ownership of agricultural land and the remains of the administrative management of rural economy have imposed considerable insecurity on the land use rights of Chinese farmers. This insecurity constrains the movement of rural people, who fear that migration will jeopardise what land use rights they do enjoy. In this paper we describe the idiosyncratic uncertainty of land use rights, and verify its influence on migration decisions, with a special focus on the duration of migration.

Roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Land markets are evolving in response to increasing population pressure in Africa.
High population pressure leads to land use intensification on very small farms.
Population growth in densely populated rural areas leads to increasing rural–urban youth migration.
Tenure security enhancing land reforms enhance investments and sustainable land use intensification.
Pro-poor development strategies should target the strengthening of land governance.

Desertification: The invisible frontline

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Desertification is a silent, invisible crisis that is destabilizing communities on a global scale. As the effects of climate change undermine livelihoods, inter-ethnic clashes are breaking out within and across states and fragile states are turning to militarization to control the situation.

La question foncière à l’épreuve de la reconstruction en Côte d’Ivoire

Reports & Research
juli, 2014
Côte d'Ivoire

Le conflit ivoirien (2002-2011) a exacerbé des tensions foncières anciennes engendrées par d’intenses migrations agraires, notamment dans la zone forestière restée sous contrôle gouvernemental durant la crise. Une loi sur le domaine foncier votée en 1998 avait tenté d’apporter une réponse à ces tensions par une politique ambitieuse de sécurisation des droits coutumiers par l’enregistrement de titres de propriété.

Land access and youth livelihood opportunities in Southern Ethiopia

Reports & Research
december, 2013

Ethiopia. Access to agricultural land is a constitutional right for rural residents of Ethiopia. We used survey data from the relatively land abundant districts of Oromia Region and from the land scarce districts of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ (SNNP) Region. We found that youth in the rural south have limited potential to obtain agricultural land that can be a basis for viable livelihood. The law prohibits the purchase and sale of land in Ethiopia.

The roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa

Reports & Research
december, 2013

This article provides a review of the past and potential future roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as responses to population growth in the process of land use intensification and livelihood transformation. The farm size distribution and the existence of an inverse relationship (IR) between farm size and land productivity in SSA and the implications of this relationship for efficiency and equity are investigated.

Stronger UNCCD for a land-degradation neutral world. Issue brief

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2013

Land-degradation neutral world is an aspirational goal, which was agreed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012. To achieve this goal, land degradation should be avoided and for every hectare of degraded land a hectare of land should be restored preferably in the same ecosystem and landscape. A land-degradation neutral world is a prerequisite for assuring water, food and energy security, alleviating poverty and mitigating climate change.

Migration in Cambodia: Report of the Cambodian Rural Urban Migration Project (CRUMP)

Reports & Research
november, 2012

ABSTRACTED FROM THE OVERVIEW: The Cambodian Rural Urban Migration Project (CRUMP) is a collaborative effort involving three entities – the RGC, represented by the Ministry of Planning, the UNFPA and an academic institution represented by consultant from the University of California San Francisco. The project involves a group of individuals across these entities interested in the movement of people in and around Cambodia. Given the demographic and economic realities in Cambodia, we began with the assumption that migration in the country is unavoidable and should be embraced.

21 Issues for the 21st Century: Result of the UNEP Foresight Process on Emerging Environmental Issues

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2012

The UNEP foresight report contains a description of the 21 emerging environmental issues identified through the UNEP Foresight Process. The process resulted in a list of 21 emerging environmental issues tagged 21 Issues for the 21st Century covering the major themes of the global environment including food, land, freshwater, marine, biodiversity, climate change, energy, waste, and technology, as well important cross-cutting issues ranging from the need for better environmental governance, to the need for human behavioral change towards the environment.

Migration, Informal Urban Settlements and Non-market Land Transactions: a case study of Wewak, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Conference Papers & Reports
mei, 2012
Papua New Guinea

This paper examines the various ways in which migrant settlers have gained and maintained access to land in the informal urban settlements of Wewak, the provincial capital of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Urban population growth in PNG and in Pacific Island states more generally is predicted to grow rapidly over the next two decades. Given the limited availability of formal housing for lower income people, it is likely that many will live in informal urban settlements on land owned by customary landowners.