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Rural-urban links, seasonal migration and poverty reduction in Asia. The role of circular migration in economic growth

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2006

Rural livelihoods are far more multi-locational than is often assumed with many rural people spending a part of the year outside the village working in non-farm occupations. Contrary to early theory, persistent circular or seasonal migration within countries or between neighbouring countries is emerging as the migration pattern of the poor. Nowhere is this more evident than in Asia.

Land degradation and migration in a dry land region in India

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2005
Southern Asia

The study analyzes the impact of degradation of private land as well as common land resources on migration decisions in three dryland districts in Gujarat. The study concludes that overall, in dry areas such as Gujarat, access to irrigation, rather than land ownership is likely to deter migration. The poorest rural households in dry land regions are the least likely to migrate. Thus, any employment creation in rural dryland regions is most likely to help the poorest. Further, it was found that degradation of common-pool land resources influences short-term but not long-term migration.

Herstel dal Renkumse Beek : analyse besluitvormingsproces

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2005

Een doelstelling van de ecologische hoofdstructuur is het verbinden van natuurgebieden tot een samenhangend ecologisch netwerk. Als 'rode' functies natuurgebieden scheiden, is verbinden problematisch. Het herstel van de ecologische verbinding tussen Veluwe en uiterwaarden ten koste van het bestaande bedrijventerrein in het beekdal van de Renkumse Beek geeft aan, dat er desondanks mogelijkheden zijn

On the move : mobility, land use and livelihood practices on the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
december, 1998
Burkina Faso

Chapter 2 situates the scene by presenting the historical background to the research area. First, a brief outline of the research village's history is provided. The main part of the chapter is devoted to the elaboration of case material relating to a number of conflicts over land, along the border between the kingdom of Ratenga and the kombere of Piugtenga and in which the village of Ziinoogo has been involved.