Loi n° 21-2018 du 21-2018 du 13 juin 2018 fixant les règles d'occupation et d'acquisition des terres et terrains.
ncreasing flood risks in Thailand are leading to new challenges for flood management and subsequently for livelihoods, which are still significantly agricultural. Policy makers prefer building flood protection infrastructure over utilizing non-structural measures like urban planning regulations to mitigate risks.
Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve complex procedures to obtain or make land available for housing. Because a structured framework lacks for the analysis of such systems, this book proposes a systemic approach and applies it to Bamako and its surrounding areas.
Cette étude, menée à l’est de la ville de Lomé (capitale et plus grande ville du Togo), met en évidence la dynamique spatiale des cultures maraîchères en réponse à la pression foncière. Des images satellitaires TerraMetrics des archives Google Earth des années 2002, 2008 et 2014 ont été retenues pour l’analyse de l’évolution des périmètres maraîchers.
The report’s findings suggest that policies and programmes of governments and the development partners could include a stronger focus on the development of peri-urban areas and smaller cities and towns.
The formal private sector in Lesotho concentrates on housing at the very top of the market leaving the majority unserved by formal housing supply.
Urban and peri-urban land markets in rapidly expanding West African cities operate within and across different coexisting tenure regimes and involve complex procedures to obtain or make land available for housing. Because a structured framework lacks for the analysis of such systems, this book proposes a systemic approach and applies it to Bamako and its surrounding areas.
Peri-urban areas in Ethiopia like that of other African countries are places where much of urban growth is taking place and as a result the competition for land between agriculture and nonagriculture (urban built-up property) is intense. It is there that new properties and property rights emerge and at the same time the existing traditional or customary rights may also disappear or dissolve.
En Centrafrique, la terre était un bien communautaire inaliénable. Les autochtones occupaient des domaines pour l’agriculture qui devenaient par la suite leurs « propriétés ».
Cities as we know them today are already dramatically changing. Our living environments are reshaping the way we live.
This new ‘urban age’ presents
a unique opportunity for us to remake and reinvent our cities. How well we plan and design our living environments will matter.
Customary land tenure is criticized as dynamic with the institutional framework unable to provide enough tenure security at all times. It is also criticized as ineffective to cope with the trends in land tenure delivery at peri-urban areas where individualization of land and demand for land is high.
Land -use Conflict and in-optimal Spatial Patterns in Peri-urban Areas of the City of Nairobi,Kenya