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Compromiso de tenencia forestal de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

Este segundo informe anual del Grupo de Financiadores de laTenencia Forestal (FTFG) analiza el progreso en relación con el compromiso de cinco años y 1.700 millones de dólares para los derechos de tenencia y la tutela forestal de los Pueblos Indígenas y las comunidades locales (PI y CL) en países tropicales forestales anunciado en la COP26.

Engagement en faveur des droits de tenure forestière des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

Le deuxième rapport annuel du Groupe de bailleurs de fonds pour la tenure forestière (FTFG) analyse les progrès réalisés par rapport à l'engagement quinquennal de 1,7 milliard de dollars en faveur des droits fonciers et de la garde forestière des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales (PA et CL) dans les pays forestiers tropicaux, annoncé lors de la COP26.

Addressing land corruption for climate justice

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023
Sub-Saharan Africa

Land corruption seriously threatens efforts to fight climate change and achieve a fair energy transition. By undermining climate programmes, projects and practices, it fuels increased carbon emissions and negative climate outcomes. It weakens tenure security and contributes to human rights violations. By channelling funds and resources towards elites, and supporting harmful or poorly managed projects, land corruption also erodes the legitimacy and credibility of the climate agenda, reducing popular support for vital action.

Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Self-determination:

Manuals & Guidelines
oktober, 2023

“Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is the first line of defense when investors and government officials seek to develop projects that may affect Indigenous communities, lands, territories, and resources. For this reason, Indigenous Peoples must be prepared to engage with FPIC from a fully informed, proactive stance. Indigenous Peoples must have their FPIC protocols ready, and be ready to lead engagement around FPIC on their terms.” –Securing Indigenous Peoples' Right to Self-Determination: A Guide on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Restauration des paysages forestiers et régimes fonciers au Cameroun : Acquis et handicaps

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2023
Sahara occidental

Ce papier constitue une synthèse des acquis et des handicaps de la restauration des paysages forestiers et régimes fonciers au Cameroun. Il présente par ailleurs les engagements du Cameroun pour ralentir la déforestation et la dégradation de ses écosystèmes forestiers à travers la stratégie nationale de restauration des paysages forestiers, en lien avec les initiatives du Défi de Bonn, de l’AFR100 et de la Grande Muraille Verte.

IP women challenge the intersection of gender and land rights inequalities

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

This case study highlights the vulnerability of women in Fiaferana, who are disadvantaged, first, by their gender and indigenous heritage, and second, by their lack of tenure security in the midst of climate change. However, the women of Fiaferana have met these overlapping  challenges head-on through innovative and empowering strategies, including sustainable land use management.

How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

For over a century, energy multinationals have been wrecking the planet and exploiting people in pursuit of profit. Now, power producers and technology manufacturers are marketing themselves as ‘green’ to boost their reputation and benefit from public subsidies, grabbing lands, violating human rights and destroying communities along the way. Our investigation of fifteen ‘green’ multinationals conclusively shows that financial returns, not decarbonisation, is their primary business.

Land corruption risks in the green energy sector

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2023

Green energy (and/or renewable energy) requires large areas of land to operate, often more so than energy generated from fossil fuels. The acquisition of land comes with accompanying corruption risks which can lead to challenges such as land grabbing and illegal displacement of communities. To help mitigate corruption risks and their consequences, strong regulatory oversight and rigorous licensing requirements are needed, as well as transparency and community-based approaches to ownership of green energy projects.


Territorialización de las Sociedades Anónimas (SA) en Uruguay: Acaparamiento y Extranjerización de Tierras

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2023

El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar la incidencia de la concentración, extranjerización y financiarización de los territorios rurales, mediados por el estado uruguayo y liderados por Sociedades Anónimas (SA), en la consolidación de los procesos de acaparamiento de tierras en Uruguay en el siglo XXI. La estrategia de investigación incluyó la georreferenciación de las tierras controladas, la caracterización del despliegue territorial, y la orientación productiva de las SA, y la evaluación de las estrategias institucionales.