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Lignes directrices pour le développement des chaînes de valeurs agricoles en Afrique

Reports & Research
november, 2023
Côte d'Ivoire

Par ailleurs il existe aussi une demande interne, non encore satisfaite, de produits alimentaires transformés et d'autres produits agricoles.

Ces lignes directrices évaluent les efforts antérieurs de développement des chaînes de valeur alimentaires (CVA) en Afrique, proposent des politiques et des stratégies pour développer les CVA et listent les facteurs politiques et institutionnels nécessaires pour une mise en œuvre réussie.

Rethinking democratisation and political economy of land Governance in sierra leone

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2023
Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is endowed with abundant of natural resource wealth including Diamond, Gold, and Rutile, Iron Ore, large marine resources and stretches of arable land. Despite abundant the country still faced loaming social, economic and environmental challenges that negatively impact lives of ordinary citizens. In many Africa states; competition for the control over natural resources wealth has led to cycle of armed conflict, suppression of political dissidents and the violation of human rights.

Putting land rights in the climate change narrative: Voices from the ground

Reports & Research
november, 2023

Climate change affects everyone. Yet it hits the poor hardest, especially women and children, and those without rights to land.

Landlessness and the lack of secure land tenure amplify the vulnerability of rural poor communities to the impacts of climate change. Yet, the challenges surrounding their lack of land access and insecure tenure rights are often overlooked in climate change discussions, policy-making, and program implementation.

The Political Economy of Land Reform

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2023

This chapter traces the complex trajectory of land tenure reforms in Benin since the democratic transition and liberalisation of the economy in the early 1990s. It shows that conceptions of the problem of land tenure insecurity and the responses to it have often clashed. Attention paid to sectors (rural vs urban) has varied as well as the timing and the nature of land tenure reforms.

Strengthening tenure security in the Borgou, Benin

Policy Papers & Briefs
oktober, 2023

Increasing investment by smallholders in agriculture and livestock is essential for improving food security, income and resilience to climate change, but can be constrained by tenure insecurity. To help overcome the barriers faced in improving land tenure security, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) launched the Global Project on Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP), which is testing interventions, evaluating impact and drawing lessons for scaling.

Promouvoir la continuité pour les PMA en voie de reclassement: pour une transition en douceur en matière d’adaptation climatique

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

La sortie du statut de PMA représente une étape hautement symbolique et positive dans le parcours d’un pays vers une plus grande prospérité socio-économique. Cependant, la baisse du soutien international qui en résulte ainsi que la perte des avantages proposés aux PMA menacent de bouleverser les plans d’adaptation, qui sont essentiels pour des pays de plus en plus vulnérables aux impacts du changement climatique. 

Land Governance for Climate Resilience

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023
South America

This report is a contribution of the knowledge management component of the LAND-at-scale programme (LAS) which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - RVO). LAND-at-scale is a seven-year programme (2019-2026), that aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security, access to land and natural resources for all.

Communities face off with a river that swallows lands and homes: A Case Study of River Erosion in Yusuf Matubbarer Dangi Village in North Channel Union of Faridpur District

Reports & Research
oktober, 2023

This case study tells the story of Yusuf Matubbarer Dangi Village as a microcosm of the existential threat posed by river erosion and flooding to the country of Bangladesh. This village also encapsulates the experience of communities who are rendered landless when floods swallow up their properties and who then have to wait for new land to emerge from the river in the simultaneous erosion and accretion of land when the river swells.