Bulgaria: Expanding ProCredit’s Operations in Rural Areas
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Date of publication
november 2004
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The focus of this exercise was on issues connected with a possible substantial increase in the agricultural loan asset portfolio of ProCredit Bank. This summary outlines the type of client who could be targeted by the bank – the core borrowing group, the ways in which the bank could market its services to the desired core clientele, the type of loans for which a demand is clear, the enterprise types for which credit-financed investment appears to be most profitable, the regional considerations and, finally, the personnel requirements within the bank.
Agricultural sector investment opportunities exist in Bulgaria, but continuing structural problems, especially in the areas of land tenure and marketing, constrain the extent to which the full potential of the sector can be realised through investment in agricultural production alone. These problems will not remain as permanent features of Bulgarian agriculture; the investment climate can be expected to improve over time.Geographical focus