Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005 (S.I. 634 of 2005).
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Date of publication
februari 2005
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This Order amends the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in so far as it relates to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee ("the JNCC"). It removes certain burdens upon the Countryside Council for Wales, English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage and on the JNCC, by relieving these Councils of various support roles and enabling the JNCC to do things for itself. Section 129(1) of the Act allows the Secretary of State, with Treasury approval, to make grants to the Councils. Article 3 amends this, so that such grants may be made directly to the JNCC. Schedule 7 to the Act is concerned with the constitution and proceedings of the JNCC, and is amended by article 4. Amends: Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Chapter 43). (1990-11-01)