Resource information
According to amendments to Article 1 it shall be established that: (a) the border of a land plot shall be a conventional closed broken line that shall demarcate land plots; (b) a boundary-mark shall be a special sign of the established pattern that shall register the location of turning points of the borders of a land plot in kind (at site); and (c) unauthorized occupation of a land plot shall be any actions that testify to the actual utilization of a land plot in the absence of the relevant decision of the relevant body of executive power or the relevant body of local government on the transfer of such a land plot into ownership or into use (lease), or in the absence of an executed legal document for such a land plot, except for actions that shall be lawful in accordance with the law.
Amends: Law No. 963-IV on state control over land tenure and protection of land. (2003-06-19)