Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
57,940,000 ha
12,943.6 USD
Total population
Urban population
69.4 %
Land-related indicators
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NewsBrowse all
27 September 2020
One of the ugliest features of the modern world is the exploitation of natural resources for private gain irrespective of its consequences for the environment and the larger community, especially the poor majority.
Humanity has started consuming the world's natural resources faster than they can be…
07 January 2020
his past November, Ukraine’s parliament took its first steps to reverse an almost two-decade old regulation barring its citizens from selling farmland or changing agricultural land usage. Initially designed as a temporary moratorium on land sales, this regulation has de facto metastasized as one of…
By: Kieran Cooke
Date: October 5th 2016
Source: Middle East Eye
After food costs spike, Saudis spent billions buying up farm land around the world. Who benefits exactly and can the spree continue?
hey control rice farms in Ethiopia, Sudan and the Philippines, cattle ranches in California and…
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EventsBrowse all
A part of the Aftershocks: Russia, Ukraine and the New World Order event series
April 21, 2022
9:00am – 10:00am EDT
Over 4.2 million people have fled Ukraine since Russia’s invasion on February 24th, while another 7.1 million are displaced internally, leaving behind their homes, livelihoods…
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